Diagnosis for my Mother


New member
Feb 16, 2024
I think my mother may have dementia. We need to get her assessed but the GP is saying that she needs to book an appointment. My mother has refused to go to the doctor for years and would now be unable to hold a conversation for a phone consultation, which is the only option I am being offered. I am unable to actually speak to a GP without my mother making an appointment. Is there any other route I can go down in order to get a diagnosis as my father is struggling to cope but isn't overly helpful in letting us help him and I am concerned about his mental wellbeing too and also about is physical health. Any suggestions would be welcome.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
You won't be able to speak to your mum's GP without her permission but you can write a letter to him/her.

If you write, outlining all your mum's problems and daily issues it will help. You also need to mention that your mum is in complete denial and will not attend of her own accord and also that your dad has his own health concerns and is struggling to look after her. Point out they are two' vulnerable adults at risk of harm' and ask the GP to act. A good GP will call in your mum (and maybe your dad too) on some other pretext, say an older person's health review, or similar.

Good luck. It's hard to get help in place when people are in denial and pride makes them refuse all offers of help.


New member
Feb 16, 2024
You won't be able to speak to your mum's GP without her permission but you can write a letter to him/her.

If you write, outlining all your mum's problems and daily issues it will help. You also need to mention that your mum is in complete denial and will not attend of her own accord and also that your dad has his own health concerns and is struggling to look after her. Point out they are two' vulnerable adults at risk of harm' and ask the GP to act. A good GP will call in your mum (and maybe your dad too) on some other pretext, say an older person's health review, or similar.

Good luck. It's hard to get help in place when people are in denial and pride makes them refuse all offers of help.
Thank you