Diagnosed with MCI but getting worse


Registered User
Feb 18, 2014
Hi, Im new to this but would just like to get sime advice if anyone could please help.
My dad who is 74 was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment 4 months ago but he seems to be getting progressively worst. Today he told my mum that he wasnt sure who I was or his granddaughter who he absolutely adores and his home felt like a strangers house. He is not remembering anything from the day before, he says he feels totally confused and feels unwell although cant quite explain who he feels unwell. He is loosing confidence and even the daily dog walk has become too much and he admits that sometimes its only the dog that gets hum back home again. Is this normal for MCI or could this be progsseing to alzheimers? My mum is worrying about going to work all day and leaving him but not sure if she woukd be entitled to any carers allowance if she was to leave her job. She has been told that they wouldn't make a diagnosis unless its been monitored for a year, is this true? we have amde an appointment to see the specialist in two weeks to see if it has progressed. She wants to ask him questions but not in front of my dad, can this be done may be in a separate appointment? Any advice would be so much appreciated thank you so much xx
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Registered User
Jan 9, 2014
Hello Jaydee,

I am sure that there are a lot of experienced people on here that will reply to your post. I just wanted to say, I am so sorry for your family as I know only to well how it feels to know but not know....I mean when you are not given a formal diognosis. My husband went to the memory clinic yesterday after waiting a few months for a first appointment, I had been advised that he would probably be monitored for a while. He had several blood tests done in Jan, also an MRI scan in January, so when we arrived yesterday all the results were to hand. As soon as we arrived we were gently told that hubby has mixed dementia, and this was clear on the brain scan. Has your Dad had scans, blood tests etc. Also could you ring up and get another appointment or some advice on the phone. When my husband did the tests yesterday he passed some of them with flying colours and others he didnt do to badly on, although this is only my view as we will not be told the outcome of the tests until we go to the next appointment. The doc also told us before we left that she would send somebody to speak with us and not to hesitate if we wanted to chat with her on the phone. I dont know if this will be any help to you, but I am sure you will get some good advice on here. All the best. x


Registered User
Feb 18, 2014
Thank you for the reply, I am sorry for you and your husband, it is a really scary journey that we are on.
My dad has had the mri scan anf they just said there was some narrowing and he didnt score great on the memory test. He has been put on antidepressants to help with the agitation, but so far they have just said its mild cognitive impairment, however in the last 4 months he is getting g so much worse. Not to recognise me or my daughter is quite scary but we are not sure if its the mci or if its progressing. We do have an appointment in 2 weeks so maybe we will learn more then. Thanks for your advice, this is a great site. take care xx

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Registered User
Nov 17, 2013
east midlands
Yes this sounds more than MCI to me.
What I find alot of people do is to write to whoever you are going to see before the appointment and outline the problems your father is having. This is so much easier than speaking about your father in front of him and you can be honest.
It also makes it easier for the doctor\consultant to ask your father the right questions.
hope this helps x


Registered User
Feb 18, 2014
Thank you very much for replying. That is a really good idea, I will write a letter tonight. It does seem to me that this is more than MCI but worried about my dad getting upset by bringing all this up in the meeting so will def do that. His medication was changed two weeks ago, he was put on mirtazapine 15mg , so was wondering if this could have caused the sudden worsening of the condition. We have also been affected by the flooding in our area and having a new kitchen so its causing a lot of upheaval and unsettlement for him bit still seems such a drastic decline for MCI. THANKS again for your advice it helps to know other people are out there with support x


Registered User
Feb 21, 2013
Near Reading
Hi Jaydee. This does sound more than MCI and I can understand your concern. My mum was diagnosed with MCI about a year before a mixed dementia diagnosis. I felt that she/we didn't get any help when she had MCI and were just left to get on with it. Mum was also very good at acting as if everything was fine in front of our GP who then assumed (frustratingly) that she was ok. Eventually I wrote a letter, that my brother signed as well to our GP, setting out the issues, with examples and saying why we thought she'd declined. We then got referred to the memory clinic and got the dementia diagnosis. It sounds odd, but the diagnosis was in a way a relief for all of us, including mum and we've had more support since.

Is your dad prone to mini-strokes (TMI's) do you know as they can cause a sudden change?

I hope that the appointment goes well and that you get some answers. Have you called your local Alzheimer's Society? Ours is wonderful and great with advice. Good luck X