

New member
Jun 18, 2019
Hi everyone

It’s taken me a lot of courage to post on here. I lost my mother in March of heart failure and then my father passed away in June with Alzheimer’s. Having been there with both of them as they fell asleep for the last time I am struggling with my mental health and miss them both so much :-(


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008
Hello @Justwright and welcome to DTP
You sound in a very sad place at the moment have you considered telling your GP how you feel and maybe having some counselling to help you at this difficult time ..
Many of us on the forum have experienced similar circumstances to yourself and I’m sure you will find plenty of support here.
I hope now you have found us you will continue to post it is a very supportive forum


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Hello @Justwright and welcome to Dementia Talking Point.

I’m so sorry to read of your situation. That is just heartbreaking. I’m glad you have found this forum and I know you will get a lot of help and support here.

I wondered if you are getting any help from your own GP - perhaps a referral to counselling services.

You might want to consider phoning one of the helplines so that you can talk to someone about what you’re going through. The Bereavement Care Group Cruse has a helpline and you can find the details here =

The Alzheimer Society also has a Helpline -

You have taken a huge step by posting here - please keep posting. I really believe it helps to share and everyone on this forum will understand.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Justwright. Welcome to Dementia Talking Point.

I'm so sorry you lost both parents in such a short space of time. Of course you miss them both, they were obviously a big part of your life.

Please do not hesitate to see your doctor for help. No one can shorten the time you will grieve but medication or even counselling may help numb the pain.

We have a sub forum here ; After Dementia ---Dealing with Loss . You will find it here and it may help you to post there.—-dealing-with-loss.28/


Registered User
Jan 26, 2017
Hi everyone

It’s taken me a lot of courage to post on here. I lost my mother in March of heart failure and then my father passed away in June with Alzheimer’s. Having been there with both of them as they fell asleep for the last time I am struggling with my mental health and miss them both so much :-(
So very sorry for your tragic loss. I hope you find support from TP.
Maybe you need to see your GP & have a chat they may be able to give you something to help you through this very difficult time. Take care x