Death of husband and funeral


New member
Sep 16, 2023
Hello, I recently lost my dad who had dementia and was living in a care home with my mom who also has dementia. My dad had a fall and was admitted to hospital with a broken hip. Unfortunately complications followed and he contracted pneumonia and passed away. My mom rarely asked about my dad while he was in hospital and she couldn’t grasp the seriousness of it all. I found it really hard to think of how I was going to tell mom about dad’s passing. I was advised ‘unless she asks, don’t just go to her and break the news.’ She asked about him about a week later so I told her and she was distraught and then became confused and thought it was her dad who had died. Since I told her around 3 weeks ago, she hasn’t asked about dad but just this week she has remembered that he has died. She’s been asking about the funeral and having to sell the house and asking if family members know (some of which are no longer with us). She said to my aunt that she hasn’t been told anything by me, yet I broke the news to her. I don’t know what to do about taking my mom to dad’s funeral. I’m worried the trauma will make her condition worse. It may be that she will forget again that dad has died and then to suddenly be at his funeral - surely that would be such a shock! Yet if I don’t take mom and she asks about the funeral in a months time, what will I say? I really don’t know what to do and was hoping that someone who reads this may have been through a similar experience and may offer up some advice. Thank you so much.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Jacarol and welcome but so sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. It's difficult to know what to suggest for the best with regards to your mom attending the funeral, particularly as she has been asking about it. Perhaps speak to your aunt and maybe the care home staff (if your mom has been there a while) to see what they feel would cause the least distress to your mom? This is a supportive place and hopefully others who have had a similar experience will be along to offer some advice. In the meantime you may find this factsheet about supporting someone with dementia through bereavement helpful, and it includes a section about attending funerals and things to consider.