Dad very unsettled in care home


New member
Apr 12, 2023
Dad agreed to move into a care-home - 3 months ago, aged 97- after a fall, suspected ita, hospital stay,and us realising he wasn’t safe at home alone anymore. Was very confused- not knowing how / when to take medication/ what time of day it was or what food he’d eaten. Since my mum died he’d spent virtually 3 years alone, apart from cleaners an hour a day.

He’s been in the care home 3 months now and has since turned 98. Seemed to be settling ok at first. He liked the food, agreed the carers were kind and seemed to appreciate the attention and help. However, he stayed mainly in his room for the first couple of weeks as he said he didn’t want to sit in the lounges with the ‘old fogies’!

Care staff are kind, and attentive, and have encouraged him to walk to the lounges (with frame) and take a seat with the others, initially to watch entertainment each day( although he says it’s rubbish).
One lounge seems to be full of people who are not with it, TV on, no conversation. Other 2 lounges better- quite a few who can do puzzles, read or watch Tv. Dad has a few ‘friends’ now, who wave & chat a little with him (although some of it doesn’t make sense). Dad’s short term memory is poor but he can still look at his newspaper & do the daily crossword. He also has several other crossword books to do. He seems to gravitate towards the inactive lounge even though the other lounges seem better for him. I’ve asked the staff to steer him towards the more active areas, but it’s not working too well. He does happily go to the dining room to eat with others.

He’s lost the ability to use the Tv controls in his room, has forgotten how to play music on his Bose machine, & cannot operate his audio books or kindle anymore.

He can still operate his iPad!! Looks at tube, Google’s things & FaceTimes family everyday. Can be very annoying & persistent with it- calling sister & I many times a day & during the night. Very repetitive conversations that he immediately forgets.
Also, mostly complaining, saying he’s very upset & unhappy, repeatedly asking us what he should be doing.
Sister & I are both getting quite upset about the negativity ,all the calls and his inability to listen /remember our suggestions. Would it be cruel to remove his iPad? Could say it was broken & in repairers? I could take mine on visits so he could speak to my sister every couple of days.

He keeps saying he’s unhappy & confused, that he doesn’t have control of his routine and doesn’t know what he’s supposed to be doing. Often says he’s not had food - but has put on 7 kilos since living there!
He’s now saying he is responsible for the others, he seems to think it’s his house and he’s in charge of them & responsible for them. Has started to say the carers aren’t there when wanted( always seem to be around when I visit) He dies have a call bell in his room and a responsive mat which alerts carers.

I’ve been visiting every other day, sister when she can every few weeks( lives 3 hours away)

Going to speak to the manager tomorrow….. any suggestions or advice? Any one experienced this - what did you do?


Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
Switch off yours and your sisters ipads at a definite time, 8pm? so no calls to you can be received, he in a safe environment, so no need to worry.
Calls during the day, answer only if it's convenient for you, again he's in a safe place, with staff to look after him.
You will get all sorts of crazy ideas from him, who owns the home, history of bits of furniture, etc. I did from my father when he had really settled into his Care home. Just go along with the stories, there mostly harmless. Sometimes quite funny!



New member
Apr 12, 2023
Switch off yours and your sisters ipads at a definite time, 8pm? so no calls to you can be received, he in a safe environment, so no need to worry.
Calls during the day, answer only if it's convenient for you, again he's in a safe place, with staff to look after him.
You will get all sorts of crazy ideas from him, who owns the home, history of bits of furniture, etc. I did from my father when he had really settled into his Care home. Just go along with the stories, there mostly harmless. Sometimes quite funny!

Thank you for reply- yes we need to switch off our iPads or maybe only answer once a day. So glad he is in there… if he’d stayed at home would be so dangerous now.
He is being well looked after where he is. Maybe I should visit less often?


Registered User
Sep 23, 2022
Switch off yours and your sisters ipads at a definite time, 8pm? so no calls to you can be received, he in a safe environment, so no need to worry.
Calls during the day, answer only if it's convenient for you, again he's in a safe place, with staff to look after him.
You will get all sorts of crazy ideas from him, who owns the home, history of bits of furniture, etc. I did from my father when he had really settled into his Care home. Just go along with the stories, there mostly harmless. Sometimes quite funny!

Switch off yours and your sisters ipads at a definite time, 8pm? so no calls to you can be received, he in a safe environment, so no need to worry.
Calls during the day, answer only if it's convenient for you, again he's in a safe place, with staff to look after him.
You will get all sorts of crazy ideas from him, who owns the home, history of bits of furniture, etc. I did from my father when he had really settled into his Care home. Just go along with the stories, there mostly harmless. Sometimes quite funny!

I think if there are many calls and it sounds like there is I’d take the iPad away. In a way it’s probably keeping him for interacting in the home and you’re visiting and your sister does too so does he need to keep ringing? It sounds like it’s confusing him more rather than be a productive phonecall? I’d say you’re upgrading it and then there’s a delay etc and just not return it.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
He is enjoying other functions on his iPad. You tube etc. just dont answer when he calls. Poor Wi-Fi.
he is safe now
time to think about yourselves now


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Hi @Reneeh , I too agree about not answering your dad every time he calls. I'd also not visit for a few days and see if he starts to engage more with the other residents and the staff.
I wouldn't worry too much about him gravitating to the quieter lounge, I think it's up to him to decide where he feel most comfortable. Does the home have many activities on? I found when I visited mum going in when there was an activity and joining in with it helped her to enjoy it more.


New member
Apr 12, 2023
Thank you all for replies. Have decided only to answer FaceTime 1x per day. Care home say they’ll remove his iPad from 9pm until after breakfast each day - hope he’s not too annoyed!
E mailed manager about dad’s issues & then had a long chat with a senior carer today. We’ve come up with a few strategies to try & improve things & dad is on the list to see the dr this week to review his medication.

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