Dad has been diagnosed with dementia


New member
May 18, 2024
Hello. My dad has dementia and was living with his partner in wales(not his house). He has a flat near me that he rents. The last time he came home he was very confused and got lost in his one bedroom flat. His partner is poorly and will be moving in with her family. My dad needs to come home. I need to reregister him with the doctor. I am concerned about leaving him alone in his flat. I have no idea how to go about any help. He doesn’t have a lot of savings.
What do I do and where do I start?


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
No, but hello and welcome from me.
Lots of people will have some good advise but just for clarity is he in England, paying council tax or whatever I think the phrase is habitually resident, but Wales and England laws are broadly similar I understand.
In answer to your question "where do you start" here is a pretty good place. K


New member
May 18, 2024
Hi thanks for replying, my dad is in England. His partner was paying everything in Wales as it was her house. My dad is paying council tax on his flat. It’s all very new to me.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Dottiedog and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our helpful and friendly community of people who have experience of many aspects of dementia. I am sure that you will find understanding and support here.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hi thanks for replying, my dad is in England. His partner was paying everything in Wales as it was her house. My dad is paying council tax on his flat. It’s all very new to me.
We all had to start somewhere, don't worry. We were all new some day, he say over 10 years down the line. Just take some time out and explain when you are ready. K


Registered User
Dec 8, 2023
Registering with the doctor is a great first step. Your dad will be very confused as he is not familiar with his flat and the layout as he wont remember it. I would get an appointment with the doctor and talk things through and get their advice and support. The next step from there would be to involve social services and get a needs assessment to see if your dad can stay in his home safely and what support he needs. It's worth bearing in mind that the more times your dad moves the more confused he is likely to become as he tries to adjust. Best wishes x.


New member
May 18, 2024
Hi. Could do with some advice. Dad’s flat he is renting is to be sold. We have been informed today. We are still waiting to re register him with the doctors as he was living in wales and that was where is was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. He has no where to live who should I contact.


Registered User
Aug 8, 2007
Contact the local authority for the area in which his rented flat is located - both the housing department and the Adult social services department- and make sure to tell each department that you’re also contacting the other one. Depending where you live, the housing and Adult Social Services functions may both sit within the same local authority (ie if it’s a “unitary authority”), or the housing function may sit within the district council and the social services within the county council.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Hello @Dottiedog , in your situation I'd contact social services and ask for a needs assessment . You really need to know if they consider him safe to be living on his own. He will be assigned a social worker and if he needs sheltered accommodation they may be able to arrange that and then put in a care package that's appropriate. Some housing associations need a s s referral as criteria for offering flats . After the needs assessment they will do a financial assessment to determine how a care package will be financed .
Be sure to say that he's vulnerable and needs help.
Has he claimed Attendance Allowance?
I have no personal experience of this but there will be others that can offer you advise from experience.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Hi @Dottiedog I would also consider a move into care. Not all care homes are alike and a search should find one that will give your dad a bit of independence at the moment if that is appropriate and then more support as his needs progress. I would be wary of supported accommodation, even with extra care. It could be fine for your dad now, but not suitable in a few months time. Certainly that is what we intended for my mum until we realised it just wouldn't work. I'm assuming from this that your dad will be able to fund his own care from the sale of his flat and any other assets he has. If not then you will need social services to help you make decisions.
This site Care Home UK is good for drawing up a shortlist. Reviews and reports are a useful guide, but nothing beats actually going and have a look for yourself.

I don't know if this fact sheet with help with some of the other decisions that you will need to help your dad make.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Hi @Dottiedog I would also consider a move into care. Not all care homes are alike and a search should find one that will give your dad a bit of independence at the moment if that is appropriate and then more support as his needs progress. I would be wary of supported accommodation, even with extra care. It could be fine for your dad now, but not suitable in a few months time. Certainly that is what we intended for my mum until we realised it just wouldn't work. I'm assuming from this that your dad will be able to fund his own care from the sale of his flat and any other assets he has. If not then you will need social services to help you make decisions.
This site Care Home UK is good for drawing up a shortlist. Reviews and reports are a useful guide, but nothing beats actually going and have a look for yourself.

I don't know if this fact sheet with help with some of the other decisions that you will need to help your dad make.
@Dottiedog said Dad has been told that the flat he is renting is to be sold and will have nowhere to live. He may be needing LA funding depending on assets. LA would want to try 4 care visit package before a care home if a need assessment considers it safe. Social services may help with finding appropriate accommodation.


New member
May 18, 2024
Thank you for the advice I’ve just re registered dad at the doctors. They are putting an urgent on it. Can I get social involved if we don’t have assessments from the doctors. Dad doesn’t have a-lot of funds

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