Dad diagnosed with dementia


New member
May 15, 2024

My dad was recently diagnosed with dementia and he now keeps mistaking me for his girlfriend. I remind him im his daughter and he becomes apologetic but sometimes forgets. How can i deal with this tactfully?


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
I think as long as he doesn’t behave inappropriately towards you I would let it go.
He knows he is terribly fond of you , then he reaches for your name and misses.

Easy to say try not to let it upset you but we are human and he is your dad

Refer to yourself by your correct name others will do the same but if your dad slips up let it go. He is apologising because he feels bad. I don’t think you want dad to feel bad.

Sending love and kind thoughts


Registered User
Dec 8, 2023
The only ideas I can suggest are for you to have a few family photos around that put you in context, e. g. We have a photo of myself and my brother as children which I refer dad to, e.g. Don't me and x look young in that Dad, I wonder how old we were etc. This subtly reminds him who I am when I think he's not sure. Also, take every opportunity to call him dad, eg. At the start of a sentence.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hi @Bexwill welcome to the forum.

Has your dad been prescribed Donepezil? We had problems with my dad thinking his grandaughter was his girlfriend and he did behave rather inappropriately with her and also with his carer. Donepezil turned out to be the culprit and reducing the dose (he was on the higher dose when the behaviour started) was the solution.

Something to consider if your dad’s behaviour becomes a problem.