Court Order on mums house


New member
Jan 23, 2024
Hello, I really am looking for some advice and hope someone can point me in the right direction.
My mum is 65, she has suffered with bi polar and psychosis since she was 40, she has been sectioned several times, the last time being 15 years ago, she refuses to take any medication. She is a widow. The last 10 years has seen her cognitive ability decline, as a family we suspect dementia but cannot be sure.
My mother refuses to have anything to do with doctors, nurses, social workers, hospitals etc, so we have muddled through on our own.

Things have come to a head recently as she has been in disagreement with her new neighbours over the boundary line of their fence. The court has found in the neighbours favour and ordered my mother to pays costs. As she has not paid a charging order has been out on her house.

As a family we feel it has reached the point where we need to step in. My siblings and I have decided to talk to my mother letting her know we have been informed by the neighbours of the court order (they are sending us documents) and the charge on the house. We wish to convey to her that we are worried she could be forced by the court to sell the house and that we want to help her navigate the situation.

I know full well she will scream and shout at us and ask us to leave.

Looking at the government website, it looks as though we may need to apply for deputyship as she will not appoint us to act for her willingly.

Can anyone advise if this would be the best course of action?

How do you cope with someone who is so uncooperative and paranoid and unable to look after themselves financially?


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @T-Bone and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to hear about your mum. It is not something that I have any experience of but the beauty of this community is that there is nearly always someone who can give the benefit of their own experience.

cobden 28

Registered User
Dec 15, 2017
Does this not mean that if or when the house is eventually sold (for whatever reason) the court costs will need to be taken out of the sale proceeds?


New member
Jan 23, 2024
Does this not mean that if or when the house is eventually sold (for whatever reason) the court costs will need to be taken out of the sale proceeds?
Yes, the main worry is the court can order a sale. Rather than wait till my mother wants to sell or passes on.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Yes, the main worry is the court can order a sale. Rather than wait till my mother wants to sell or passes on.
They can, but are they likely to? Do you knowhowmuch the bill was? Unless itwas a lot of moey, i think they'll wait, especially if they realise your mum has issues.
will rectifing the actual boundary issue cause more angst?


New member
Jan 23, 2024
They can, but are they likely to? Do you knowhowmuch the bill was? Unless itwas a lot of moey, i think they'll wait, especially if they realise your mum has issues.
will rectifing the actual boundary issue cause more angst?
So far we know its £15,000. Another worry is she will rack up more court costs.
She is very reluctant to share much information with us.
The neighbours know she is unwell, but my mother refuses to tell the courts, although they must see she is unwell?

My mother refuses to accept the court has found in the neighbours favour, and is determined to put up a fence where she sees fit.
If she does this she will breach the court order and be arrested as well as being in contempt of court.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
You could ask AgeUK or CAB for advice.
I think it may require a crisis causing mental health to be alerted and some action taken, arrest for attempting to install a fence in contravention of the court order could be the trigger.