COP14 form advice needed please


New member
Nov 24, 2020
I am in the process of applying to become deputy for my mums property and financial affairs. The application has been issued by the court so I am now at the stage of having to notify mum and therefore I'm trying to complete the COP14 form. However, I'm struggling with the 'This notice is to tell you that' section and specifically the part in the guidance notes which says
the application raises the question of whether the person being notified lacks capacity in relation to a matter or matters and what that means
Does anyone have any experience or ideas of how to actually word this on the form? I'm sat here with it all just swimming round in my head and getting nowhere so thought I would ask on here. Any help would be very much appreciated.


Registered User
Jun 6, 2020
We used something on the lines of
" the man who came to see you the other day said that he thought you need some help sorting out your finances, we have applied to the court so that I (son) can help you out'
They were both seen by an independent social worker who did the capacity test.
FIL said 'OK, yes , good.
MIL went ballistic and left the house, we just documented her response.
Both application went through.


New member
Nov 24, 2020
Hi @nitram and thank you. Yes, I've got that document, I think I've just spent too long on all this today and it's finally getting to me.


New member
Nov 24, 2020
Hello @thistlejak and thank you for your reply. Is that what you said in person? Sorry if I've mis understood. I'm trying to think of what to actually write on the COP14 form and I'm just hitting a brick wall. Like I said to @nitram maybe I've just looked at it all too long today.


Registered User
Jun 6, 2020
That is what we told them.
I think we put in the form :
You were visited recently by an independent social worker, in his professional opinion you do not have the capacity to manage your financial affairs. An application has been made to the court to appoint X & Y ( my husband and myself) to look after your affairs.