Concerned for my grandmother


New member
Feb 12, 2024
Hi there,

My gran has shown symptoms that we believe are dementia but has refused to seek medical treatment. These symptoms have now progressed to the point where she regularly forgets conversations, repeats questions, gets distressed easily, and - most troublingly - is struggling to swallow certain foods. Whenever we have mentioned going to the doctor, she becomes defensive, sometimes aggressive and refuses to acknowledge something is wrong.

Her symptoms are getting to the point where we'll need to seek medical help, but obviously my gran won't consent. Does anyone have any advice for how we can proceed from here?

Thanks in advance.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Charles96 and welcome. Sorry to hear about the problem you are having getting your gran to go to the doctor. Unfortunately not accepting that there is anything wrong is a common problem, but it is particularly worrying that your gran is struggling to swallow certain foods as this could cause a choking risk. Does anyone have Health & welfare power of attorney for her? What might work is to write down the symptoms that you have noticed, and the frequency, (be as specific as you can) and give this information to the GP/surgery. Let them know how concerned you are and they may be able to call your gran in on the pretext of a 'routine' well woman type appointment, and they could also make a referral to the Speech and Language Team (SALT) who will be able to look at her swallowing problems, as a change of diet or texture of food and drink may help. Are there other family members who can help to support you with this and contact the GP too?


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Charles96 and just a welcome from me too to this friendly and supportive forum.

I am sorry to read of your Gran's memory and swallowing issues. You have already received sound advice which I cannot really add to. I hope you can get things progressing.
Now that you've found us, do have a good look around and ask any particular questions you may like to. You will always find understanding here from members that really do want to help.