Carer's assessment, The implications...

Rageddy Anne

Registered User
If a sole carer gets a Carer's assessment, and there's cause for concern, can that result in interference from the SS?
I'm very tired with a nasty cough. Just suppose they discovered I had a heart problem, could the Powers that be push me aside and take over my husband's care?
Currently we live at home with no formal help of any sort, except a lovely lady from the Alzheimers Association has opened doors and made helpful introductions...


Registered User
I was a sole carer for my husband for 7 years and he went from my care to nursing care.

My carers assessment was to see what help could be offered to me to help me continue to care. We were offered a placement in day care so that I got a break from caring for a few hours. That was gratefully received and did make a difference for me.

I don't think for one minute they will want to take care out of your hands.


Registered User
I was a sole carer for my husband for 7 years and he went from my care to nursing care.

Ditto:) Except that Pete went to a CH. Before that time I was lucky as Pete had daycare 4 afternoons a week. Unfortunately Pete was sectioned again (violence) and it was that point the care was taken away from me. I was judged to have Carer breakdown, and after Pete attacked a Carer at the daycare the powers that be decided that enough was enough. However, before that time, daycare had been ok. I had a conversation with Pete's helpful CPN and we had discussed what would happen if I was ill. It would have meant respite care for Pete.

I hope you get some help and useful information


Lyn T XX


Registered User
I agree Rageddy :)

Social Services will only want or need to 'take over' if your husband is a danger to himself or to others. As jaymor and Lyn say, the Carers assessment is about helping you to continue to care :) xx