Burgers, Children and Alzheimers


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And Alzheimer`s
Hello my friends just thought I would tell you about our visit to a well known burger bar (BK) with two of my grandsons, Colby aged 9 and McKenzie aged 6 but thinks he is 50yrs!! Old LOL LOL

I haven’t been with Elaine picking them up over the winter months because of my illnesses and the weather, but today I ventured out because I had promised to take them for a burger and it was blue sky all the way!!

If ever I wanted another reason to fight with all my might against this awful disease dementia, the look in my grandson’s eyes as they saw me waiting for them with their Nan (Elaine) was another “MESSAGE TO BRAIN” never, ever to give up the fight. Their smiles lit up the play ground and they both held onto me like their life’s depended on it!!LOL You would never imagine we had only seen each other two days earlier!!

So off to the burger bar we went in the car and within seconds the questions were coming thick and fast!! WHY? WHAT? WHEN? And they all had the word “GRANDAD” in front of them; I was convinced they had forgotten their Nan’s name!! LOL Well as you can imagine, I have trouble at the best of times listening at normal speed but always wanting to please, I tried my best to fire the best answers I could back at them, and in turn where possible LOL

I didn’t do too badly for the first ten minutes; I was quite pleased with myself!!HaHaHa, but it went a little downhill from there as I was answering the totally wrong questions and eventually talking about something completely different!!!

But do you know something? I didn’t care, and you know why? Because I was having the best time of my life and it carried on in the Burger bar as well!! Messing about, rocking with laughter, being very loud and boisterous. For those sixty minutes or so the worry of this fatal disease creeping up on me was totally vanquished!! All was well with the world and nothing mattered apart from the loved ones I was with at the time!!

I know sometimes i write about how hard it is and how and far this awful road this illness can take you, but sometimes, just sometimes, things like this happen and it just makes life and the fight all WORTHWHILE!!! This is one of these times and I just couldn’t wait to get home and share it with you my dear friends, I shall sleep the sleep of the peaceful tonight, that’s if I ever stop giggling at the sight of my cheeky grandsons faces!!!

Best wishes, Norrms and family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Hi Norms,great to hear from you and what a lovely post to read on this sunny morning:)

So glad you had such a great time with your grandchildren,hope you took some photos!!!!


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My son (now just an adult) lost his Grandad, my Dad, when he was only 8 but he has fantastic memories of him and his childhood would be much less vivid without that relationship. You've left wonderful memories with those children today that will last all their lives, xx


Registered User
Norms, I'm so glad you had such a great day, especially as you'd not been so well.
Laughter is the best medicine, and I think it can be such a good treatment for all of us.
Thanks for posting, and best wishes,


Registered User

Thank you so much my friends, its a day that will hopefully stay with me and i loved every minute of it!! I think they did as well seeing grandad laughing and joking with them xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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You never fail to ammaze us Normms what a great story you light up my day x x x Robyn
ps I attempted my very 1st poem today hope you like it. Its in the poem section


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Dear Norrms and Elaine,

When I use to take Peter with me to collect Grandchildren from School he to would get so excited and once they got in the car, well Nanny was forgotten about, I was just the driver lol.

In my glove compartment, I use to keep it stocked up with sweets you know the things us Grandparents do. (Always our secret) although my daughters knew.

The children would share sweets with Peter whilst I would be singing along to a c.d.

Do you remember Max Bygraves song about the toothbrushes? Well Jamie was about 4 and he use to say "Can you play it again" over and over until we reached our destination and bless Peter he tried some of the song.

I have always said, children are a special gift and when Grandchildren come along I see it as a very special blessing.

Take care
Love to both of you
Christine xx


Registered User
There's such a special bond between grandparents and grandchildren.
Your post lifted my heart.



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Hi Norrms

Thank you for letting us share in your joyful day; as you say, it can't be all doom & gloom or the disease has won, and with lovely loving kids like that you have an antidote for a long time to come.

Norrms said:
I didn’t do too badly for the first ten minutes; I was quite pleased with myself!! HaHaHa, but it went a little downhill from there as I was answering the totally wrong questions and eventually talking about something completely different!!!

That reminded me of a tv sketch which the 2 Ronnies did: it was a 'MasterMind' scenario, & Ronnie Corbett had to answer the question before last each time (i.e. answer Question 1 after he had heard Question 2, and so on) :rolleyes: It was hilarious and I imagine your attempts to answer 3 'question masters' at once was a total riot. May you have many more such days sweetheart. :p