Bad day today


New member
Oct 9, 2023
Mum lives alone & recently diagnosed with dementia. I visit her twice a week. We go for walks & coffee. I help her with all her appointments, shopping, money etc. She has carers in, which she is very resistant to. She hates the W/E, so I usually go Saturday to break it up for her. She has episodes where she doesn't know her own flat, although she's lived there 10 years. Gets very angry if you try to explain no one has moved her. Very bad day today, even though my sister is with her. I feel bad for her, but am struggling to find ways to support her. She only seems to want me there all the time. I'm married, looking after small grandchildren, and dont drive. This relience on me started 3 years ago when she fell & broke her wrist. Not really interested in day centres or any other outside help!! Days I feel very resentful...
Any advice would be appreciated.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @evemc99 Welcome

I know your mother has only recently been diagnosed but it does sound as if she is unable to manage the times she is alone and could even be at risk if she does not recognise her own home.

It might be time and in her best interests to think about residential care. Has your mother had an assessment of needs? It could be a way to find out whether her needs at home are being met.