Back again - second time around with dementia!


Registered User
Sep 29, 2009
Hi, wishing everyone as healthy and happy a new year as possible!
I'm usually very quiet on the forum, just reading and gaining comfort, inspiration and helpful tips/info from all of you wonderful people - but life is getting more challenging looking after my Dad and I think it will do me good to connect more with others who know and understand what life can be like. And hopefully also offer my support to others.
My mum had mixed dementia and Dad and I cared for her at home, with carers support, until she passed away 10 years ago. My Dad just turned 86 and sadly was also diagnosed with mixed dementia last year and then more recently with Polycythaemia Vera treated with long term chemotherapy.
He's still able to live at home on his own, with me visiting a couple of times a week. So far he's been able to keep managing his basic daily routine and I handle weekly meal prep, medications, bills, appointments, big cleaning etc. It's tiring, but manageable.
But the past couple of months, particularly since starting the chemo tablets, his behaviours are changing - most noticeably seeing things (at the moment it's a mystery cat that only he can see) terrible nightmares, confusion at night and wandering around the house lost, a bit of anxiety and paranoia creeping in.
These symptoms are sadder and more difficult to manage than the more practical stuff - I can see he's struggling to understand why he doesn't feel like himself. I remember this 'transitional' phase with mum, before she was completely lost to us and it really scares me - I'm so afraid anticipating what is to come, from past experiences.
He doesn't yet have high care needs, but I can see it may not be long until my Dad needs someone (me) there overnight and I just don't know how that's going to work - it's just him and I, no siblings or other family nearby that can really help and I have a full time job that I can't afford to reduce.
I know we'll cross these bridges as we come to them, and find a way through, I try not to let myself think too far ahead as you can't control it anyway, but the background of constant intense worry is there nevertheless.
Anyway, sorry to go on - I'm not looking for answers, just sharing some worries :)

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Oh dear @ingrid

The situation is so different to the situation when you cared for your mother, I think you may have to make some very difficult decisions.

Stating the obvious, you and your dad are much older than you were when you were caring for your mother and now you have no one to share the caring with you.

I`m sure you will need additional help and support if that time isn`t here already. It might be to your advantage to think ahead rather than trying not to and explore what help and support may be available to you.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @ingrid and welcome back to the Dementia Support Forum. I am so sorry to read about your dad and his current health problems This must be so worrying for you. I really do think that you need help looking after your dad especially as you have a full time job. If you have not already done so please contact your local adult social services to arrange a needs assessment for your dad and a carers assessment for yourself. Also if you have not done so consider asking your dad to consider LPA's for finance and health and welfare as this will make life much easier as your dad's dementia progresses.
I know that you probably do not want to think about this at present but there might come a time when it might be best to consider full time care for your dad and it might be useful to look at possible care homes in your area.
Please keep posting and let us know how you are getting on. You could perhaps start a regular thread on the - I care for a person with dementia - to ask questions or even just to express how you feel.



Registered User
Sep 29, 2009
Oh dear @ingrid

The situation is so different to the situation when you cared for your mother, I think you may have to make some very difficult decisions.

Stating the obvious, you and your dad are much older than you were when you were caring for your mother and now you have no one to share the caring with you.

I`m sure you will need additional help and support if that time isn`t here already. It might be to your advantage to think ahead rather than trying not to and explore what help and support may be available to you.
Hi, thank you for your reply - you're so right, it's a very different set up this time. I did have a carers assessment in December, which was really helpful and I've made contact with a care provider who can at least start doing some mid week well being checks to take some pressure off me going. But yes you're right, I'm trying to strike the balance between planning ahead and getting myself in a state. Thank you, xx