Attendance allowance

Little jac-H

New member
Oct 26, 2023
Hi . My mum has been getting attendance allowance. My dad was her main carer . He has now been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and I applied for attendance allowance for him . At the time I wasn’t sure if my mum was getting it so was advised to apply anyway. My dad was refused and now my mums has been stopped! I cannot believe this . How can this be when the situation has deteriorated and will continue to do so . I do shopping , laundry , cook meals , organise medication. Help with washing . Neither can shower alone . I’ve recently got carers to give meds morning and bedtime as they forget . Also I am now getting a cleaner for tgem as I can’t do it all . Is it worth appealing? Thank you c


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Little jac-H and welcome. It sounds a difficult situation, has any correspondence been received to explain the reasons for your dad's claim being refused and your mum's AA being stopped? It's difficult to offer advice without knowing the full circumstances but it might be worth speaking to your local Citizens Advice Bureau and showing them any paperwork that you have from the DWP. They are used to helping people to complete AA applications so should be able to advise you on the best course of action to take next. Hope this helps and that you manage to get the situation clarified.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
The CAB for sure will be able to help. Perhaps try calling attendance allowance to ascertain what’s gone on. I imagine they stopped ur mum’s when they saw a new claim coming in for the same NI number and wondered about fraud. I’m sure your mum’s can be easily reinstated and the CAB will help appeal your Dad’s claim.

you have one month to appeal your dad‘s claim. Send them a quick letter saying you request a ‘mandatory reconsideration‘ and are waiting CAB support.

Good Luck - but CAB I’m sure will be great.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2023
Hi . My mum has been getting attendance allowance. My dad was her main carer . He has now been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and I applied for attendance allowance for him . At the time I wasn’t sure if my mum was getting it so was advised to apply anyway. My dad was refused and now my mums has been stopped!
It sounds like both your parents are eligible for AA. You need independent help with this. The CAB, as others have said, is there to advise in these sorts of cases. Please do contact them.

Strangely, almost the same thing happened with my parents. When we applied for my father, we ended up applying for my mother as well, but it turned out she'd already been in receipt of the benefit for some time. My bad! They didn't stop the benefit though, just told us she was ineligible for the benefit as she was already getting it.

Do let us know how you get on.

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