At a loss in knowing what help I need to assist me in my wife care


New member
Apr 10, 2024
Having no response from social service other than a call last November and have been caring for my wife for nearly two years, i deal with the constant challenges every day, my biggest issue is that I am on my own and can only leave the wife for short trips to the shops.. gone are the days out with friends. weekend away with my Scout Group, I can be woken at anytime of the night and spend ages trying to sort out a wet bed or telling her its the middle of the night and getting her back to bed (then i am up myself and cannot get back to sleep).


Registered User
Oct 12, 2023
Hi @scout57 , my husband has Parkinsons and mixed dementia and is now looked after in a Nursing Home. My mistake was I didn't put in any help and then he had probably a stoke and deteriorated very rapidly. What I found was in a crisis situation nothing works in this country so my advice is to begin to put in a small package of care.
If you can get a social services assessment of your wife and a carers assessment for you. If she doesn't want you to do suggest its for your benefit. Even at later stages the ties that bind our person to us are tight and she will want whats best for you.
First thing that would benefit you is a companion carer so you can have an afternoon out a week. Might also be a morning carer to help your wife get showered and dressed especially if you have wet laundry to deal with. Also see if there are any local dementia cafe or groups you can both go to. Other carers can signpost you to local availability and its is so relaxing to be with people who just understand.
You will have to push social services but don't do as i did and wait for a crisis

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
Having no response from social service other than a call last November and have been caring for my wife for nearly two years, i deal with the constant challenges every day, my biggest issue is that I am on my own and can only leave the wife for short trips to the shops.. gone are the days out with friends. weekend away with my Scout Group, I can be woken at anytime of the night and spend ages trying to sort out a wet bed or telling her its the middle of the night and getting her back to bed (then i am up myself and cannot get back to sleep).


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
If you have savings and own your own house then Social Services will pretty much expect you to sort everything out unless you tell them you cant cope.

- Request a care needs assessment for both your wife and yourself from Social Services in writing.