Are we expecting too much of our live in carer?


New member
Apr 21, 2020
Hi, we have a live in carer who has recently joined us to look after my bedbound mum with advanced dementia.
She uses a ceiling hoist which was specifically installed by the OT for one person use. Are their legal requirements that says there should be 2 people?
Also, we keep going told that 2 carers are required to change mums pads as she is unable to respond to instructions. She does roll when asked and gently manoeuvred. Again, is it a requirement for 2 carers.
We pay a set amount which was agreed with the agency for 2 night calls. As far as I'm aware they change and reposition my mum at 2am and 6am. Is this too much? The carer gets their 2 hour break (or more on occasions) and as my mum is either in her chair sleeping or in bed sleeping they have very little to do during day light hours.
Are live in carers expected to keep the house clean and tidy? We don't expect top to bottom on a daily basis but a general tidy and especially the areas that they use too?
We just need to know we aren't breaking any laws or asking then to do things above and beyond. Thank you


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
I always understood it was 2 for a hoist. I guess a lot depends on the size/weight of your mum- it might be different for one to roll 7 stone, that 12 stone.
If mum is pretty much bed bound, I would expect the carer to keep the areas that she and mum use clean & tidy Yes. I would expect them to keep as clean & tidy as they would their own home, do mums laundry etc.

Does their contrat not detail their duties?


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
I think the two to use the hoist situation is for insurance purposes , for example if the hoist instructions are for two people, then the care company will need to comply with that. As for cleaning, my mum had live in carers and they cleaned the home, did the washing and ironing and between us we organised the shopping. Each agency is different I guess. One point about having more breaks due to your mum being in bed, I would say that as they can’t leave the building they are still on “duty” and paid time so it would not constitute a break as such.


New member
Apr 21, 2020
I think the two to use the hoist situation is for insurance purposes , for example if the hoist instructions are for two people, then the care company will need to comply with that. As for cleaning, my mum had live in carers and they cleaned the home, did the washing and ironing and between us we organised the shopping. Each agency is different I guess. One point about having more breaks due to your mum being in bed, I would say that as they can’t leave the building they are still on “duty” and paid time so it would not constitute a break as such.
Thanks for your reply. I've been looking at ceiling hoist providers and most state that the whole idea of a ceiling hoist is that it reduces the need for two carers to use. Yes, a mobile moist needs two. One to move it and the other to steady the person being hoisted. I didn't mean the carers had extra breaks when my mum is in bed and able to leave the house but they often sit and watch a film or read a book so they do take advantedge of that quiet time.


New member
Apr 21, 2020
I always understood it was 2 for a hoist. I guess a lot depends on the size/weight of your mum- it might be different for one to roll 7 stone, that 12 stone.
If mum is pretty much bed bound, I would expect the carer to keep the areas that she and mum use clean & tidy Yes. I would expect them to keep as clean & tidy as they would their own home, do mums laundry etc.

Does their contrat not detail their duties?
Hi, my mum is a very frail petite lady so her weight wouldn't be an issue for anyone really. We used an introductory agency and we are probably at fault as there is no official signed contract. They did state that general house duties would be carried out. I would assume that means hoovering, dusting etc. We would never expect anyone to clean windows or do gardening but keep the inside of the house tidy and clean


New member
Oct 10, 2019
From your post I'm not sure if Mum lives with you or has a live-in Carer in her own home.

I can't answer your query in detail regarding the hoist but if the OT arranged for it to be installed for one-person use, then it should be suitable for one-person.

I can respond regarding the live-in Carer. They are just that - 'Carers'.

Usually a professional carer would attend to all your Mum's personal needs but I don't feel housework is her role unless you had this arrangement from the outset. In my experience when my Mum had a Carer in her home, general duties usually included preparing snacks or reheating her delivery of frozen foods & washing the crockery after. Also tidying the environment they used but not getting the hoover out. We had a separate cleaner for that unless I did it.

I think you need to go back to the Agency you used for clarity, or ask the Carer herself.

Hope it gets sorted to everyone's satisfaction.

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