

Registered User
Jan 22, 2022
My dad gets really stressed when he’s got any doctors/ hospital appointments he is up all night stressing about missing the appointment etc getting his clothes ready a week before the said appointment when he is aware that one is coming up
He’s got an appointment for a scan on his head tomorrow not sure whether to tell him today so he is sort of prepared for it or just turn up in the morning and say there was a cancellation but this will stress him too !
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
My gut reaction is not to tell him in advance. At least if you just turn up as you suggest you will be with him to support him through the stress and might be able to distract him.

I hope it goes well.


Registered User
Jan 22, 2022
My gut reaction is not to tell him in advance. At least if you just turn up as you suggest you will be with him to support him through the stress and might be able to distract him.

I hope it goes well.
Thank You that is a valid point that if I am there in good time it will be a chance to distract him rather than him fretting all night on his own
I just hate appointments from start to finish !!
I would cancel it for two pins but I know we would only have to rebook !


Registered User
Mar 22, 2021
Hi. My parent hates going to appointments as well. Can you combine the appointment with also having a coffee and cake? Hope it goes well


Registered User
Oct 13, 2021
having experienced similar issues with my OH I always say I've got an appointment for something or other and she's fine. Once we get there, I then say she might as well get seen to as well. Works every time.


Registered User
Jan 22, 2022
Thank You that is a valid point that if I am there in good time it will be a chance to distract him rather than him fretting all night on his own
I just hate appointments from start to finish !!
I would cancel it for two pins but I know we would only have to rebook !

Hi. My parent hates going to appointments as well. Can you combine the appointment with also having a coffee and cake? Hope it goes well
Thank You I just dread it it’s so hard getting him in and out of the car to start with then he can sometimes get agitated /disorientated when he is out of his comfort zone also sometimes I don’t think the healthcare professionals realise that he’s just not got the capacity to follow simple instructions anymore depending on how he is on the day


Registered User
Jan 22, 2022
having experienced similar issues with my OH I always say I've got an appointment for something or other and she's fine. Once we get there, I then say she might as well get seen to as well. Works every time.
That is a good tip glad it works for you