Application for Deputyship delays


Registered User
Sep 17, 2023
My first post and my head swimming with emotions, not to mention up and coming bereavement as I cling on for my Dad. I don't know what legally.
(He never bothered with POA or visited the GP until too late despite encouragement and "unrelated" illness made him visit local hospital which lead to a diagnosis of mixed dementia (Alzheimer's + Vascular). Six months on and repeated visits by healhcare workers / hospital, carers 4 times a day, move to care home, navigating his needs has been a nightmare!)
He sadly has little time left as he is so weak and frail.

I haven't been granted (sole) Deputyship to control his affairs and obviously restricted in what I can do for him. My question is, if he does pass then what is my legal position when talking to organisations? I'm assuming having no powers I will still have difficulties until given some kind of authorisation somewhere. Would I have to submit more unnecessary paperwork to the COP eventually / are they still in contol? However he does have a Will in place where a solicitor has been instructed to act as Executor.
Sorry for so many questions, I'm totally baffled. Perhaps I shouldn't overthink things?

Violet Jane

Registered User
Aug 23, 2021
Once your Dad dies the executors will take over everything. They will contact all relevant organisations. If there are only professional executors they will probably ask the family to organise the funeral but all arrangements and expenses will have to be approved by them. You should contact them as soon as your Dad dies. They may ask you to register the death, which you can do as his son, or they may do it themselves.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2023
Once your Dad dies the executors will take over everything. They will contact all relevant organisations. If there are only professional executors they will probably ask the family to organise the funeral but all arrangements and expenses will have to be approved by them. You should contact them as soon as your Dad dies. They may ask you to register the death, which you can do as his son, or they may do it themselves.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2023
Thank you Violet Jane that is so helpful and reassuring. I assumed as much tbh but with the ongoing application and bureaucracy with Court of Protection it made me wonder and raised my anxiety levels.
My late husband went 11 years this month suddenly (he was 46) and without making a will. Everything was fortunately dealt with in a similar way which I'd hope would happen similarly with Dad.
Last thing people handling grief is being unable to contact organisations who are difficult to navigate and who take months to respond!
Hopefully Dad's solicitor will have better luck haha. Thank you.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I had deputyship for mum. Once she died I had to tell them immediately. I think you may have to do one last annual report to take it up to the date your dad died - mum died only a couple of weeks after my previous annual report, so the OPG decided they didnt need another one. After this, the deputyship and their involvement stops and it is the executor who sorts out the finances.

I had a couple of financial organisations who were very difficult and I think they didnt understand about deputyship, so I was unable to access mums funds that they held. Fortunately, they didnt hold much and the executor sorted it out after mum died.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2023
As I haven't got as far as actually obtaining a deputyship, I'm hoping there won't be any faffing around with complicated paperwork to get the application from the system. However my £371 would be welcomed.
The service which informs multiple Gov. Agencies I've come across before, it's a real helping hand.
I'm trying to not think before I need to but can't help it. It feels wrong, I'm far from wishing him away.

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