Another big problem with care


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
I have mentioned to Crossroads that the Tuesday sitter does not interact properly with Alan. She calls him by the wrong name and she doesn't smile at him or talk to him. She is in the process of being replaced.

However, she arrived yesterday and she kept her head down and didn't even say 'hello' to Alan. They were to go to the care home whilst I worked. Because of how she was, Alan completely changed from his stable, happy self, to being confused, insecure and unhappy:eek: Because I was on a time limit I was ushering him out of the door anyway and he went off very confused. He headed off up the street and was 8 - 10 houses away and the sitter was dawdling that far behind him:eek: She let him head off in that confused state and didn't attempt to go to assist him. I watched and she then had to run to catch him up because he'd gone past her car. You can imagine the state I was in watching all this unfold before my eyes:eek: When they got back she then wanted me to sign a travel slip and she'd not put down the mileage so I asked her what it was. She said 5.5 miles and I said it isn't that because it is only round the corner and everyone else's doesn't come to that. She then said make it 4.5. I said I was not at all happy with that because it was excessive and she didn't bat an eyelid. If anyone had confronted me about this kind of thing, I would be in a flap and showing some concern.

Today I ring Crossroads about it. The CPN comes to visit as we had an appointment. She sees me in control and quite ok. Alan is busy sweeping up the leaves and so I relate to her about how Alan hadn't had a decline in his condition but that it was due to mismanagement of one of the sitters. I showed her the document I'd typed up for Crossroads and she was horrified. Then Crossroads rang me to give me the times and names of the sitters to cover my respite weekend. One of the sitters is down for 3 of those days even though I told them it was not suitable over a week ago. They have now told me that they cannot change it because there is no one else available. The CPN watched me go from quite ok to a wreck. I was so glad she was there to witness it all. She confirmed to me that I was clear with Crossroads about why it was not suitable and I just could not get them to understand. She said it wasn't anything complicated and they should understand. She also said that it was not possible for me to continue having to cope with these things.

In the end I phoned Alan's daughter and asked if she would cover a 6-10pm shift and she said she would. This really is not acceptable either because she has so much on herself.

I am now thinking more and more about these people who have their lives devastated by bad practice and I am trying so hard to keep Alan ok but I know that in order to do this I need proper help and not all these hindrances.

My respite weekend is now turning into a very stressful affair and I really am devastated by it all.


Account Closed
Jul 16, 2008

I feel for you, and I know how hard it is for you.

If thinking thoughts can steer you and Alan away from the devastation of bad practice, then I will think those thoughts for you both.

Meanwhile, I hope you get it sorted soon, with a satisfactory solution.



Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Oh Helen...

I know how this feels...and it's totally unacceptable.

It's bad enough that Alan has been disturbed by the inefficiency of carers...but to have your respite time turned on its head, too ,is unforgiveable.

Especially when it was planned so far in advance.

I'm so sorry ...:(

Love xx


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
I read all this with such sympathy for you.

Thankfully YOU have rescued this and I do hope your respite weekend continues. BUT it is no thanks to the system.

The dreadful thing is this sort of thing is happening to one of 'us' daily.

Thinking about you. Love Jan

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Helen

It`s such a good job the CPN witnessed how much you are being messed about and the effect it is having on you and Alan. I do hope she has some influence to enable her to support you practically as well as emotionally.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
I rang the woman from the AZ Society because I realised I needed to do something and couldn't allow this situation to fester. I got to the point that I daren't ring Crossroads for fear they would be thinking "Oh no not her again":eek: Anyway to cut a long story short, the woman from the AZ Society is going to contact Crossroads for me tomorrow morning and try to arrange a meeting with her, Crossroads, myself and the CPN in order to get these matters properly resolved. The CPN phoned me this evening because she said she was distressed herself at witnessing the devastating effect this was having on me and she said she would be really glad to attend a meeting. So this is where it has been left for today and I am now running out of time. I had planned to get everything ready for my respite and this has taken up all the time. I haven't been able to do essential shopping or room preparing and it will all have to be pushed into an already busy tomorrow:eek:


Registered User
Aug 18, 2006

That is I don't know what to say because little will help. We did have one company near us that was similar to the expereince you are having with Crossroads, and they had the local coucnil contract but it was for home help type services. In the end I got so fesd up with new faces, language barriers, inefficiency etc that i just got rid of them.
I do hope you can enjoy your respite, but unless you can relax and know Alan is ok that will be very hard for you.

Much love and big hugs



Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
When the Wednesday sitter arrived, it was clear that Alan had not forgotten yesterday and he didn't want to go with her. The sitter was fine - she had to cope with the aftermath of another's poor practice:eek: Eventually I drove them there and when I picked them up Alan was fine but exhausted because he'd had a busy day and he'd picked up on my anxiety I think. He went to bed at 8pm which has never been heard of;)

Thank you for asking:)


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008
They all think that just because it is a short while,that nothing they do or say has repercussions..

Tom still doesn't remember what the Doc in the hospital said, but he knows it was the most humiliating thing that anyone has done to him.

AGH...I could think of more words but they would be edited.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Hi Helen

They all think that just because it is a short while,that nothing they do or say has repercussions..

You have made a very good point here and I will be quoting you - I hope you don't mind?!
