Alzheimer’s Research UK news campaign.


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The statistics regarding peoples understanding about the impact of dementia do not make happy reading but are not unexpected.


Volunteer Moderator
In case that link doesn’t open this is their introductory remark - it is followed by a lot more from them and some very interesting views from people responding to it.

We fully support the need to continue to fund critical brain health & dementia research. However, we are saddened & deeply disappointed that the issues faced by people with dementia, & those who care about them, have been portrayed here with such negativity & hopelessness. [1/6]


Registered User
I think it’s a bit like the ad campaign, with the wife being the one to take on the caring roll.

We know there are lots of men who are wonderful carers so why not show them in that role too.


Registered User
In order to persuade people to part with their money to aid research it's necessary to show the disease in a negative light. You wouldn't expect a fund-raising appeal for cancer research to show how well people manage to live with cancer! The film made me cry when the cartoon characters turned into real people.


Registered User
For what it's worth, I think the fairy tale and orange videos above are both good, in how they inform the public about dementia.
They are trying to get more donations for research, of course.
The problem (is this what Alzheimer Scotland are referring to?) is the first one in particular may just cause folk to switch off - it being so negative and hopeless.

Presumably, they want something more hopeful - along the lines of "Together we'll beat this!"?

I wonder how much money is donated by private individuals as opposed to the government? Do the scientists have any idea how many years it will take to beat this thing?
I think a cure is very optimistic at the moment - prevention and slowing it down, more hopeful. But then, what do I know.


Registered User
You wouldn't expect a fund-raising appeal for cancer research to show how well people manage to live with cancer!
They don't have to because they can show an option not open for requests for funding dementia research, cure or long term remission.

Dementia charities have a choice, either show how awful it is or invent the fictious 'living well with dementia'.