Advice Please: Financial Assessment


Registered User
Oct 30, 2015
My Mum an 89 year old lady, was discharged from hospital a few weeks ago with a care package. She was assessed as requiring 4 visits a day from the Intermediate care at home and reablement team. She has been informed that this is a short-term service however, once the free 6 week care package expires she will be looked after by a care company. Mum received a visit from the Intermediate/Reablement Team a few days ago and they told her that a Financial Assessment would be undertaken in due course. The lady who visited (I was present) informed mum that she would have to pay something towards her care which she is obviously more than willing to do and will cooperate fully with the financial assessors.

My mum is in receipt of Disability Allowance (Care & Mobility) £627.60 per month and State Pension of £358.28 per month.

Mum and Dad have 2 joint accounts, approximately £30,000 in an instant saver account and £4,000 in a joint current account. They do not have separate accounts.

My dad, who is 90 years of age, and thankfully fit and well, has his occupational pension & state pension paid into the joint instant saver account. Mum’s DLA & state pension is also paid into this account also. All the direct debits are paid from their joint current account.

Mum and Dad own their own house.

Dad has asked me if he needs to separate his and mum’s finances to make life easier going forward. I’m afraid I’m not sure so I thought I would ask the members who I’m sure are far more knowledgeable on this subject than I.

Thank you.
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Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
My husband and I had separate accounts so I didn’t face this issue. I wondered if this link would be of any help -



Registered User
Jun 6, 2020
Your Dad is correct it will be easier going forwards to have separate accounts.

I would suggest a saving account each - splitting the current balance 50/50 as that is how the financial assessment will see it.
Get their pensions etc paid into their own accounts and then get enough to cover the bills paid into the current account - as your mum is still at home she will still be 'paying her way' with regards to household expenses.

Your mum's share is just over the lower limit it might be worth asking at the financial assessment what will happen when she gets below the threshold. - I am not too sure exactly what happens at this point as we didn't get there with MIL & FIL.

The house is disregarded for care at home and will also be disregarded should your mum need residential care as your dad is still living there.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2015
Your Dad is correct it will be easier going forwards to have separate accounts.

I would suggest a saving account each - splitting the current balance 50/50 as that is how the financial assessment will see it.
Get their pensions etc paid into their own accounts and then get enough to cover the bills paid into the current account - as your mum is still at home she will still be 'paying her way' with regards to household expenses.

Your mum's share is just over the lower limit it might be worth asking at the financial assessment what will happen when she gets below the threshold. - I am not too sure exactly what happens at this point as we didn't get there with MIL & FIL.

The house is disregarded for care at home and will also be disregarded should your mum need residential care as your dad is still living there.
Thank you for replying to my post thistlejak.