Advice & experience of form COP15PAdep


New member
Jul 4, 2023
Anyone have any input regarding this new up front notification form particularly in regard to who is eligible to be deemed appropriate as someone to be notified.

My mom who is now in a nursing home with diagnosis of Dementia & subject to a DOLS order.Having researched this subject it seems the most likely candidates are Family members followed by the Medical Profession fraternity.

The stumbling block is that we are a small family coupled with the fact that my mom has lived anonymously and still does within the nursing home.In essence virtually nobody knows her I am pretty much her only external contact.

The requirement is for three upfront notifications I have only my daughter thus far & potentially nursing home staff etc may have to called upon if permissible.

As anyone had a similar situation whereby they have had insufficient family etc to notify of the application & if so how did you resolve.

Evidently if you can’t propose three people you have to fill in a COP24 witness form & having looked at it I have absolutely no clue.

Suffice to say I’ve had it up to here with this ridiculously complicated deputy application



Registered User
Jan 1, 2017
Wakefield, West Yorkshire
I've just been through this. We are a small family consisting of my Dad (who has been in a care home since June), my Auntie, Uncle and Cousin. My Uncle and I (my Dad's brother) have applied to the COP for deputyship. This left my Cousin as the only other family member who could be notified. I was totally stuck. I had to wait till my Dad had gone into the care home as I could then add the care home manager and his GP. All the residents in the home are with the same GP practice. As it turned out, the care home manager would have nothing to do with it, so she was a "did not respond" which after fourteen days, the Court classes as consent. My Dad's GP decided they would fill the form in, although they also tried to charge me £100 as they wanted to assess my Dad's capacity, which wasn't needed. I sent them Part B of the COP3 form which was filled in by a doctor whilst my Dad was in hospital, along with an email explaining what we needed and why for the third time. Thankfully they backed down, didn't assess my Dad, and I wasn't charged a penny! The COP also insisted that my Auntie had to fill in the COP15 form. They only realised she existed because I had to name who would visit my Dad. I think they thought she should have been on the form. In actual fact, according to their own guidelines, she wasn't eligible as she is sister in-law, which is why she wasn't on the form! Anyhow I did what they asked. I don't know whether they will/can use it. So, they have two consents and a did not respond. Three consents if my Auntie's form is used. I haven't heard from them recently so I am hoping THAT part of the whole sodding process is sorted. I had a look a while back at the COP24 form. It's horrendous! I know EXACTLY how you feel.


New member
Jul 4, 2023
Hi GailM

Many thanks for your comments I’m reassured that I’m not the only one tearing my hair out with this ridiculous archaic procedure no wonder the legal system is deemed not fit for purpose.

Likewise I’m advised by the Nursing Home that they don’t want to get involved with signing anything which of course they don’t have to in this case,just about sums them up at £1300 per week what a joke!

To say I’m angry is an understatement two years this has been ongoing ostensibly due to an incompetent solicitor and now I’ve got to grips with it I don’t have three relevant people to notify.

Looks like it’s going to end up with the local authority again having previously been surprisingly discouraged by them clearly they know what a complete farce the whole thing is.
