Adult Social Care assessments


Registered User
Feb 25, 2022
We are finally having a visit from adult social care. I've requested the assessment for my Mum but also one for me as her carer.

Can anyone give any advice on what I should and shouldn't say ?

Any idea on what questions they may ask.

I've had a look online but any advice from people who have been through it would be really helpful.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
You may find some of the information here useful. It has a section on preparing for the assessment. There’s also a link to Carer’s Assessment -


genevieve 76

Registered User
Oct 22, 2023
My husband is bedridden with vascular dementia and alzheimers, I my case I described my worst day, everything, being woken through the night, changing beds, washing clothes, washing him, cooking, shopping him, helping him eat. Even if your case is not as bad, explain everything you do, how tired,or how low you feel, whether you have time or energy to do things for yourself. Do you work. How much time do you have to spend looking after them. Even if it's shopping or paying bills. It all takes time and energy. I had a really nice women who actually listened to what I had to say. Good luck.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2022
My husband is bedridden with vascular dementia and alzheimers, I my case I described my worst day, everything, being woken through the night, changing beds, washing clothes, washing him, cooking, shopping him, helping him eat. Even if your case is not as bad, explain everything you do, how tired,or how low you feel, whether you have time or energy to do things for yourself. Do you work. How much time do you have to spend looking after them. Even if it's shopping or paying bills. It all takes time and energy. I had a really nice women who actually listened to what I had to say. Good luck.
Thanks for the tips. I am going to be honest with them.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
If you think your Mum might put on a good face and insist everything is fine (Show-timing*) then try to inform whoever is doing the assessment of the reality of things, either as they are coming in or leaving, or maybe provide them with a written list.
*The Banjoman, who would get lost in his one bedroom flat, was suddenly able to show the Social worker exactly where everything was and assure her he did everything. He didn’t tell her about phoning me at 3.00.a.m. because he’d been out to the GP surgery but they were closed!


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
The needs assessments are used to generate a care plan...and I would expect that the social worker has access to plenty of care plan templates for most scenarios.
Others may have views on whether to introduce care gradually or all at once. In my experience care providers seem to prefer contracts to provide care 7 days a week, even if it may not be required for all days.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2023
We are finally having a visit from adult social care. I've requested the assessment for my Mum but also one for me as her carer.

Can anyone give any advice on what I should and shouldn't say ?

Any idea on what questions they may ask.

I've had a look online but any advice from people who have been through it would be really helpful.
My experience of these assessments is that you won’t be offered anything if you don’t ask for it. Don’t expect them to say you need this and that. Maybe have a think what outcome you need before the visit. We had a few of these for my mum at various stages. Initially we were told you are doing fine carry on. Only when we wanted something specific such as day care or help with incontinence did we get anything offered. Unfortunately situations can deteriorate quickly and it can then be difficult to get the help you need. My advice would be assess what would be helpful for you now And remember you can’t do it all yourself or you will burn out. So take help sooner rather than leave it too late. Good luck


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
I don't if its still the case but I read that councils were offering 15 minute slots?


Registered User
Feb 25, 2022
Thanks for all the replies.
My Mum is now being assessed in a home specially for assessing dementia patients to see what her needs are going forward. She is doing really well, seems happy. We can take her out and visit her regularly.
She is going to be there for at least 6 weeks, but it could be up to 12 weeks.
The break is welcomed from a carer point of view.
I think the options are likely to be either assisted living or a care home. My question is how do I know which it will be in order to plan for when she comes out. The likelihood of her coming back to her original home is slim to none for lots of reasons.
Anyone been through a similar process and can offer any advice.

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