A thought with the unplugging solution.


New member
Dec 14, 2021
South Yorkshire
So I will try to just keep this as brief as possible. My grandmother's who is in the spectrum of alzheimers disease decides to a majority of the time pull out the main 2 sockets with the living room lamp and TV connected to it. We are currently all staying with my uncle who has recently bought a big but older house in a nice area. It is 3 bedrooms, my uncle, father and my self all have the bedrooms upstairs. The logic is that, there is no upstairs bathroom it is connected to the kitchen downstairs, the entrance way and then there is a big living room that takes up atleast half of the downstairs part of the house. As my grandmother has been on the decline with her mental and physical health (its harder for her to be climbing up and down stairs) and she has a "weak" bladder problem. We have decided to place her bed in the far end of the living room as so to watch over her and ensure she has more accessibility to places of interest such as the kitchen, conservatory or bathroom. We have noticed she just actually in the beginning stages of the move into this house would.. have accidents on the floor trying to find the bathroom a few weeks in.. we decided to buy her a commode and place it next to her bed for easier access...forwarding on to the MAIN POINT* we like to keep the living room side lamp and TV on for her just throughout the day or night on occasions.. or if nobody is home. The plugs for them are all the way on the other side of her bed. Now guys, I have been noticing especially in the past 2/3 months she has the habit of constantly wanting to go and pull the plugs out the socket, I could enter the room put them back in .. she's in bed.. I leave the room.. 20/30 minutes later she will go pull them out. I respect her wishes of not always wanting a background light on.. but it has started becoming a bit too often done and hence frustrating I sometimes rationalise it to the idea that she believes shes in her own house house also just wants to not waste electricity, as she has told me that before. I did try the 'put ductape over the plug method'.. it didn't work. I should also mention my grandmother is from a very old fashioned time where she doesn't know how to use a TV remote.. or even press the foot button on the stand lamp.
What I was thinking of doing to try to minimise this annoyance is.. maybe putting something large and heavy infront of the plug socket area? Such as a chest of drawers, something that perhaps can just block that area from her always wanting to be in a dark room when alone.
What are your thoughts? I'd really appreciate it.

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Hello @Adollas30 and welcome to Dementia Talking Point. I have a couple of ideas but I am sure other members will be along with more.

I do think that hiding them in some way would help. But she might just pull a chest of drawers over, with terrifying results. Perhaps a trunk? I'm trying to think of something that she cannot tip over. Is it possible to angle the bed so that she doesn't see the plugs? Does she pull the plugs out any time of day or only at night?


Registered User
Sep 9, 2020
Hello @Adollas30 - I posted this on another thread today, which may be of use:

They seem to keep a variety of covers etc. I'm sure other companies do something similar.
I haven't personally had to use them, but found them whilst searching for a solution for a friend. Anyway, I hope it helps.

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