A frustrating few days


Registered User
Talk about having a frustrating few day’s which started on the Friday when going into town for my doctor’s check-up (which I will tell you about in a moment). But before going to the doctor we needed to the buy a new toaster as the old one had gone caput, but not one of the electrical shops we went to had toasters so we ended up in the supermarket and fortunately they had a few on the shelf, but trying to get some attention from the lackadaisical staff that kept us waiting for 30 minutes was near imposable, finally we managed to get someone to help us as the toasters on show didn’t have any price tags!:rolleyes:

Anyway we finally got a new toaster which they said had been tested!!! but when we got home and tried to make some toast it was only toasting half of the slice of bread which was blacker than charcoal since the toasters timer wasn’t working to automatically pop-up the toast… so Saturday we had to return immediately before it was to late otherwise out here they just say ‘Not our problem’ anyway fortunately we got it changed and its working OK… but it took us best part of the day to get sorted out! Which just highlights the differences between living in the UK and Indonesia, as I’m sure from what I remember in the UK you would just to go an electrical store or a supermarket (because they now sell everything from clothes to bicycles) and pick one of the many on display from the shelf with good customer service, but things are far less straightforward out here…:eek:

As for my doctors visit… well blood pressure and blood sugar levels were all on Par and on the whole my doctor was pleased, “but” then she said ‘that my next visit would have to be in a months time as she’s away on holiday, ‘I thought no problem’:D but when I was looking at her calendar and trying to work out on what date that would be I got myself utterly bewildered and became very agitated and anxious, my speech started to get mumbled and slurred as I tried to stutter out a date which I got totally wrong by thinking my next visit would be end of March,:confused: I think that’s the first time I’ve got myself so confused when visiting her and she said it’s the first time she’s seen me get so anxious…

I think the reason was because before going to the doctor’s I’d got the date of my next visit and what medication I needed all worked out in my brain, (well I think I had!) But then when she said it would have to be in a month’s time my brain went into overdrive trying to rework the mathematics of things out… then having got that sorted… I casually asked where she was going for her holiday which apparently is Australia, but as I was jokingly telling her about all the floods on one side of the country and the tremendous heat wave there having in another part of the country by indicating it on her wall map… “yet again and without even realizing it” I started to get myself totally confused as to “North, South, East, and West”:confused: which all ended up in different points of the compose being topsy-turvy… anyway she just smiled and said don’t worry I know what you mean, “I said” I’m pleased about that as I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about… apart from that, we had a good day…

I think that sometimes just the smallest thing can cause us confusion… and yet I run my own website which I update and monitor completely alone and do so many other complicated things on the computer that take an immense amount of effort and concentration. So it isn't always easy to explain what sends our brain into a state of anxiety when we can cope so well with other things which seem so much more difficult to deal with… but such are the conundrums and complexities of this dam illness which defies any logic!! Yet still we manage to fight through each day…


Registered User
Hi Barry,

I see what you mean about the difference in buying goods and am glad that you got what you wanted even if it did take a day and a half to get it:rolleyes:

As for the visit to the GP, do you think some of the confusion might have been because it all took place in a short space of time and you were therefore in a position of feeling the need to think quick?

It sounds like you have a wonderful GP. I bet she values you as we do:)
