uk laws saying we cant have our own carers as mother getting worst every day in hospital


Registered User
Jan 4, 2024
Hi, Mother 88 went in hospital for constipation, that was fine after 10 days, shes now been in 108 (we go up everyday to see her) days, lost weight, more fraile, nothing to do, no one to talk to, dimentai gong worst, no exercise, we state she needs to be home as fast as she can, or shes going to have a mini stroke again, but the hospital and social workers dont seem to care. As they state we need cares for her to come home, as she has dementia, they the social workers are getting, or been trying to get carers for us for this long. We found private carers in just one day, but the social workers say we cant have them. We are so frustrated, and think the whole higher hospital staff and social works are so wrong, cruel and disgusting to keep her there getting worst everyday, when she should be home with us and out having a little fun.

IS THERE A UK LAW SAYING WE CANT have our own paid carers before theirs come please ??? But its also my father here all the time, and me 80% of the time, other than I go to work 6 hours. My mothers fineish, we got on great before this and she was no problem, other than her repeating and forgetting things. We used to dress up and go out for meals and drinks with us three times a week, and will still when she comes home, as shes looking forward to that.
What is your opinion please, do you think home would be so much better, need to show these social workers up.

Thank you all so much for your help.



Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
It is highly unlikely that a hospital would happily have a bed blocked by someone who doesn’t need it or can’t return home for care reasons. Who would be paying for the carers is my first question. If it is the LA then they will only use certain companies and the one you have found may not meet their criteria.
There is a national shortage of carers and LAs up and down the country are struggling to find services for people to live at home with a care plan. Have they told you why you can’t use the company you have found is my second question.
I’m afraid that the law is on social services side and if needs be they will apply to the Court of Protection if they haven't already done so. That said , is your mum under. Deprivation of Liberties for Safeguarding order. If not what is stopping her from coming home. You could ask for a best int meeting and find out exactly what social services are doing and what the plan is and where the funding is coming from.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
If the hospital think she is well enough to go home with carers there should be a care plan detailing her needs, if you can find carers that can deliver the plan and you will be self funding I can't see any reason for her not to be discharged maybe with some adaptations to the house.
if you have difficulty getting a copy of the plan PALS should be able to help especially if somebody has H and W LPA


Registered User
Jan 4, 2024
We would be paying, before the free, well I hope free cerars are found.
This is what the social worker said. (What gets us, as before the constipation, all was fine at home with mam, like a normal family, and going out for meals and drinks three times a week. We just dont need or want ceras, but said yes to get her home. nd the hospital say is driving her nuts, it would anyone with out dementia. I am putting in a huge formal complaint to the hospital and social workers, and taking it as far as we can.)

Here is what they said,
Unfortunately, as your mother is under a DOLS, I have to advise you that we cannot allow you to arrange your own care and we have to wait for a care package to become available via official channels, so that we ensure that all the necessary checks have been undertaken. Once a care package has been found for your mother, I will contact everyone with the necessary details. I and the nursing staff are as eager as you for your mother to return home as soon as possible.

Thank you.



Registered User
Jan 4, 2024
Nitram, thank you.
Do thy need by law, to talk to and tell me or my father that they are putting DolS on my mother, as they did not. I only knew about DoLS (did not know what is was) few months ao, and 4 weeks after her hospital stay.

Thank you.



Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
If the cares are to eventually be “free” that means that your mum does not have the finances to pay for her care,regardless of what you yourself can afford. So if the LA are paying, they have the right to decide where the money goes. Your mum is under. DOLS and therefore cannot leave the hospital without the right care package in place that is arranged by social services and will fulfill the care plan. This is why you can’t find your own carers. All explained in @nitram link.
I think that family views are often overlooked but I suspect that the court of protection will have been satisfied with the evidence for the professionals involved.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
usually, the discharge package is 6 weeks of 'their' carers free, then they assess the need and finances.

If you take her home without their 6 weeks, how can her needs be assessed? Once assessed over those 6 weeks, they decide whatthey think she needs. If you can provide for her, fine, they will let you. If they deem you cant, there carers will have to be sourced and possibly paid for.


Registered User
Jan 4, 2024
Will get back too you all, think you for your help.

Hi Jessbow,

Not sure what you mean, my mother only went in for constipation, we did not ask to have her assered, she was after the scan say 3 years ago found out she had two mini strokes around 6 years ago. We did not ask for her to be assessed, as all was fine in our house with her, yes she repeated and started forgetting, but that was fine with us, she was no trouble.

We all dressed up three times ever week and went out for meals and drinks. And poped out to friends and family. Me and my father made the food in our house, he showered her. Rest of the time my mother and father would sit watching tete, or she would read a book or paper.He was there all the time, I worked in my business say 6 hours a day in the afternoon, and was there the rest of the time. We have paid carers in. So why do you think they think we needed carers before she came home ??? We dont, they will be in the way, and will have nothing to do.

Thank you.



Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
How old is your father that washes & showers her?
What do your carers do if he does that? How often do they come in?

A 6 week discharge package is fairly standard for many elderly people when they are discharged, people that dont need it dont get it- she must need it
things will have changed while she has been in.

Do you know what caused her constipation?