Team LifeCycle - London to Paris 2014


Registered User
Jan 25, 2010
Hi there,

On 14th May, I shall be setting off with 5 friends to cycle from London to Paris.
Having looked at organised rides, we have decided to self-fund and self-organise our own epic adventure.
On 14th May, we shall cycle from the Tower of London to Dover, and from there to Calais by ferry.
We shall arrive in Paris on 17th May, having cycled just over 320 miles.

So far, we've raised £1600+ through sponsorship and we also have a charity night and raffle organised to boost our fundraising efforts.

We have elected to share our fundraising between the Alzheimer's Society and Cancer Research UK, as both illnesses have touched us and our families in so many different ways.

Personally, my mum is in a nursing home with dementia. Today, we celebrated what would have been her 59th wedding anniversary. Sadly, my dad wasn't there to celebrate with us as he passed away 2 and half years ago, unable to cope without his beloved wife, and quite literally dying of a broken heart.

Mum devoured her celebratory fish and chips, and whilst she can no longer communicate, we did manage to get the word "beautiful" today, accompanied by a slightly wonky smile. We were elated!

If you can sponsor us in some small way, I know that your support will be help spur us on, over the hills of Kent and France, and towards our £5000 fundraising target.

Our fundraising page is at

If you are so inclined, you can also follow our progress on Twitter - @team_lifecycle

Hang in there people. I live in hope that one day medical research will one day free us and our loved ones from this dreadful illness.