Swansea Memory Walk 2012 For Mam

mama smurf

Registered User
Oct 6, 2012
Port Talbot
Hi, i recently took part in the Swansea memory walk for my late mother who sadly died in January this year she was 73. The support that my mum and myself received from the alzheimers society was truly amazing and since her death i just felt i needed to give something back. I managed to raise £540 and although it may not seem like a lot of money hopefully it will help towards something. I was even lucky enough to make it in the local evening paper since i was dressed up as a smurf! My sister in law came with me for support which i appreciated. Although at the event everyone was really friendly. :)
I am new to this so i do apologise if i've missed something in the forum rules


Registered User
Nov 6, 2011
Yorkshire England
Well done

Hi mama smurf,

I would like to congratulate you on your memory walk in memory of your mum.

I lost my mum too in January and I like yourself felt like I wanted to give something back. Myself and family did a memory walk near Bridlington in Sept in memory of my lovely mum.

Well done in raising funds for a brilliant cause.

Alicejude x


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Hello and welcome to Talking Point.
I am sorry to hear about your Mum; I lost my husband four months ago. It is good to hear that you and your Mother had such good support.

Thank you so much for raising so much money - I love the idea of you dressed as a smurf and it made news in your local newspaper. Well done.