South West Cycling 2012


Registered User
Dec 12, 2011
Hello all, In 2010 i carried out 2 Charity runs, I ran The Porthreth Mining trail which was 11 miles to raise money for the baby intensive care unit at the Royal Cornwall Hospital and in the same year I ran the Camel Trail which was 18 miles and raised money for Childrens Hospice Southwest and Macmillan.
Sadly with the intense year of training and the runs i gained a number of stress fractures so had to stop running early 2011.
But I was able to start cycling in Febuary 2011 and have got to a great standard and feel im ready for my next big challenge in 2012, I have been looking at the challenges already set up and was very interested in doing the coast to coast challenge but its quite a distance from Cornwall.
I feel Cornwall has got some beautiful sights and would make a fantastic location to set up an event, If I did set something up would I need to gain insurance for all riders? Also are there any members on here that may be interested ?

Thanks Ryan
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