Some good news & need to share šŸ˜Š


Registered User
Oct 3, 2017
County Durham
A couple of weeks ago I finally applied for Council Tax Exemption for MY house as I moved in with dad to care for him & it is standing empty.
I got a message on my phone last week saying the application was accepted & would be actioned. Wonderful, no more Council Tax to pay! šŸ˜
Today is the day my Il Health Pension from my former employer gets paid into the bank, so I checked my account. I was stunned, the Council have backdated my claim to when I moved in with dad, that was over 2 years ago!
WOOHOOOOO!!! Iā€™m so happy, with limited funds itā€™s been a real financial struggle the last few years, finally I got a break. I canā€™t tell you what a weight has been lifted.

So, if anyone is in a similar position, please, apply to your local council for an exemption, it actually wasnā€™t that hard


Registered User
Oct 3, 2017
County Durham
It's always worth asking.
Indeed! I was initially put off because the person I spoke to at the council asked me to send proof that Iā€™m living with dad, I had none. Anyway, I decided to try again, rang the council & explained. This lady said no proof is asked for on the application form so not necessary.

special 1

Registered User
Oct 16, 2023
Hi there , they say there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, maybe not a big one, but hey!! good for you. Take care.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
Took 18 mums for mums to come through. Very frustrating. Makes a difference now though. Encourages us all to keep going, no?


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
A couple of weeks ago I finally applied for Council Tax Exemption for MY house as I moved in with dad to care for him & it is standing empty.
I got a message on my phone last week saying the application was accepted & would be actioned. Wonderful, no more Council Tax to pay! šŸ˜
Today is the day my Il Health Pension from my former employer gets paid into the bank, so I checked my account. I was stunned, the Council have backdated my claim to when I moved in with dad, that was over 2 years ago!
WOOHOOOOO!!! Iā€™m so happy, with limited funds itā€™s been a real financial struggle the last few years, finally I got a break. I canā€™t tell you what a weight has been lifted.

So, if anyone is in a similar position, please, apply to your local council for an exemption, it actually wasnā€™t that hard


Registered User
Oct 11, 2020
A couple of weeks ago I finally applied for Council Tax Exemption for MY house as I moved in with dad to care for him & it is standing empty.
I got a message on my phone last week saying the application was accepted & would be actioned. Wonderful, no more Council Tax to pay! šŸ˜
Today is the day my Il Health Pension from my former employer gets paid into the bank, so I checked my account. I was stunned, the Council have backdated my claim to when I moved in with dad, that was over 2 years ago!
WOOHOOOOO!!! Iā€™m so happy, with limited funds itā€™s been a real financial struggle the last few years, finally I got a break. I canā€™t tell you what a weight has been lifted.

So, if anyone is in a similar position, please, apply to your local council for an exemption, it actually wasnā€™t that hard

Sick as the proverbial parrot! Moved in to care for mum in 2018. When I left my flat (unoccupied) Council told me - on the phone - that I had to carry on paying council tax on it. Stupidly I never double checked. .... SIX YEARS LATER I read this! Never heard of exemption for carers. Checked the council's website .... there it is!! First task post-Bank Holiday ....

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
This shows how we must ask.

We paid Ā£6000 for a mobility bath to be installed for my husband. When we told social services, just in conversation, we found out they could have helped us.

The actual words of the social worker ā€œ We could have done it for you Sylvia. Why didnā€™t you ask?ā€

At the time I was too stressed, exhausted and despondent to react but reading this brought it back to me.

No one offers. We must ask. If we are refused, so be it, but we will never know what help is available unless we ask.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
I got a 25% discount on council tax as I was classed as a single household, I just had to show a copy of the letter from the memory clinic to the GP saying my wife had an SMI and they backdated the discount to the date of diagnosis, they sent me a cheque for the difference.
25% backdated 3 years plus my 25% discount got me pretty much a year CT free, bonus. K