Scarborough holiday report...


Registered User
Jun 10, 2012
We took MIL away for a week self parents are also over 80...

Sometimes very hard work but overall enjoyable and worked out much better than expected!

Saturday 30th – picked up MIL packed/repacked and set off for holiday cottage near Scarborough – stopping frequently for facilities, and finally in Thorton-le-dale which was also for treats – carp park is large and near village centre – btw did mean car park but there is a stream near by so maybe there were some carp parked!

Sunday 1st – met up with my Mum, Dad, Brother and Gemma the elderly overweight dog and went en masse to Sewerby hall and gardens – dog friendly near Bridlington. All save dad and Gemma went round the small zoo – dad found plenty of people to talk to.

Monday 2nd – we all went to sea life centre – having found three buy one get one in free vouchers – saved a packet as entrance was £16 each – Gemma stayed in car – bombed a bit as very crowded with many school parties and holiday makers and it is very dark in places as light upsets some of the marine life – dad (his glasses were in car and he didn't tell us) and mums went round very quickly and had a cup of tea before settling in bothers big car with Gemma. Brother, Dennis and I took much longer with cameras and also held the crabs – but the cleaning shrimps decided my fingers too clean or maybe they were just fed up of fingers!

Tuesday 3rd – Dog friendly Filey animal park and gardens – not too large, good car park - a hit with everyone – very friendly and Dad walked a lot for Dad so to speak!

Wednesday 4th – dog friendly Eden camp – a hit with dad and brother enjoyed too – mums enjoyed as we kept them to the huts that appealed most. Dad was made up to see photo of people playing table tennis on the indoor Anderson shelter.

Thursday 5th – a day by the beach at Sandsend – the dog friendly end of the beach. Dad walked along the prom too – we took the mums further and gave them a cup of tea at turn round point – Brother and Gemma went on beach – partly as both Dennis and I had not put the mobiles on. Watched the tide come in a long way. Brother, Dennis and I climbed about 30 steps and were rewarded with a lovely flat ex railway path. When we got back to car tea making facilties had been put away – Dad refused to come – as he would not countenance £2 for a cuppa – it was more as it included walled garden but we were too late for that. We all then went for pub meal giving MIL a break from the little pork pies. Drive back was horrible due to low fog that had rolled in and to crazy driving by others.

Friday 6th – a very wet day – so the boys played cards. In afternoon left Dad and Gemma at holiday bungalow and all got into Brother's car for a trip down to Scarborough prom to see the big man and walk along the prom – unfortunately the rain returned with a vengeance and we took refuge in a cafe – lovely hot chocolates and the mum’s have no problems with cake eating!

Saturday 7th – a final meet before we headed to Blackpool and Mum Dad Brother and Gemma headed south stopping at my sisters near Lincoln for a break of journey.

We even managed two baths for MIL - but luckily not video'd as it would have featured on how not to bath an elder - for a little woman she is surprisingly dumpy in places and Dennis and I are not that strong, plus the taps were half way along on the getting in side!

Back home now - with loads of washing - some from the first sort out before we went - before we can start ours.

Vitaline restarted and carers returned this morning.

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Well done, Jackie. My heart is always in my mouth when I hear of people traveling with their loved ones with dementia as so much can go wrong. But you seem to have planned it very well. Any pics?


Registered User
Jun 10, 2012
Two pics - one of big man on Scarborough front with Dennis in middle, my mum on left and MIL (the one with dementia) on the right, the other one is my beanie bear on holiday at Sandsend cos he goes everywhere!


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Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Aw lucky Beanie!!

That's exactly the kind of holiday we used to take my lovely mum on. She died a year ago next week at the age of 93 - during the week she was supposed to be on holiday with us in Pitlochry.

Bill and I still go on holidays and will continue to do so as long as he is able to cope.

Keep up the good work!! xx

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