Query with care home fees and appeals


New member
Jan 12, 2024
My dad has recently been admitted into a care home leaving my mum at home. Dad receives the higher rate state pension and mum receives the lower rate. The local council want to £280 a week to pay for dads care. Mum has appealed against this and the council has sent a waiver for to complete. The form asked for how much dad contributes towards electricity, council tax etc. When completing the form does she put in how much she pays for the bills at their own home?


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
they wan to know what dad contributes to pay the bill

Gas is £80 per month standing order
a) That £80 comes out of dads account
b) its paid out of a joint account ( so deemed 40 each)

Which would it be?
Its all very well so say dad pays everthing from his money- he isnt there using it now, and although mum can ask for half his pension to be awarded to her, (half is usually the best she will get) to meet costs.
Mum may well be entitled to pension credit to top her up a bit
who is actually funding the placement? Have they had a financial assess ment and his contibution calculated?

It all comes down to savings- His savings - in his own name- of joint savings ( half will be deemed his)