Power of attorney


New member
Nov 18, 2023
Don’t know if anyone can help or at least tell me if I’m right or wrong?

I do live in care and my clients brother is refusing to get essentials that are needed due to my clients finances dwindling (even though enough to cover care for the next year apparently and a large house that’s fully paid for years ago by my client)

The items I have been asking for for 6 months are clothes (as too small now every item has had to be cut to make fit) and an armchair that offers support for my client who also has had major surgery on spine not only is it causing her more pain than she could be in it’s also getting dangerous as hard to get in and out as so low. And also a conservatory door that is broken open so now with the cold there is a constant draft hitting my clients legs.

I have approached it with my boss but unfortunately cash and a happy client that pays the bills is more important.

Am I correct in thinking this is so very wrong!! The money/estate is my clients until her death.
How/Who do I go to for help.
Thank you


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Seymour23 and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. From your description it would appear that your client is not getting the help from her brother that she should, the uncomfortable chair and the broken door sound particularly disturbing. It is also unfortunate that your employers are not taking your worries to heart.
If the brother is your client's attorney under a POA he is supposed to look after your client's best interests. You could try contacting the local adult social services regarding your concerns however that could rebound on you through both your employer and your client's brother.
It might be useful to contact the Alzheimer's Society for advice. I have attached their contact details.



Registered User
Aug 6, 2019
Don’t know if anyone can help or at least tell me if I’m right or wrong?

I do live in care and my clients brother is refusing to get essentials that are needed due to my clients finances dwindling (even though enough to cover care for the next year apparently and a large house that’s fully paid for years ago by my client)

The items I have been asking for for 6 months are clothes (as too small now every item has had to be cut to make fit) and an armchair that offers support for my client who also has had major surgery on spine not only is it causing her more pain than she could be in it’s also getting dangerous as hard to get in and out as so low. And also a conservatory door that is broken open so now with the cold there is a constant draft hitting my clients legs.

I have approached it with my boss but unfortunately cash and a happy client that pays the bills is more important.

Am I correct in thinking this is so very wrong!! The money/estate is my clients until her death.
How/Who do I go to for help.
Thank you
The local social services will have a safeguarding team. If you Google the name of the local council and the word “safeguarding” that will give you their number. You can ask to remain anonymous. They will investigate.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Seymour23 If you are in the UK, the charity Hourglass have a 24hr confidential helpline for anyone who is concerned about an elderly person at risk of abuse or neglect, details below: