Main residence / council tax query


Registered User
Oct 21, 2018
Good morning. I am writing really on my mums behalf with a query. ln brief mum sold her bungalow in Wales 3 years ago and came to live with us, hoping to buy a bungalow in the village where we are. She did this but it needed roof off and on new bathroom kitchen etc. As all this took several months when it was complete she no longer wanted to move from ours. Our daughter rented it from mum paying council tax and bills for two years. Mum has since chosen to move to a lovely residential home where in her words she’s never alone And lots of activities. our daughter has moved elsewhere and the bungalow is now empty and possibly will be sold. However the council now say as mum has never lived in the house it isn’t her main residence and now she has to pay the council tax even though she is in residential care. This seems very unfair to her and us. She is slightly hesitant to sell the property as she feels there is an option to come “ home “ and be cared for by family or live in care. Mum is self funding. Wonder if anyone had any advice. To be honest the lady at the council didn’t seem that sure she just sent a quotation. I’m wondering whether it’s worth appealing. Thank you in advance


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
If there’s a way round this I would like to know too - I doubt it though as she’s never lived there. If you’re not keen to sell it - it’s probably in mum’s best interests to rent it out again as that will cover the council tax and give her some income. You can always tell her the tenants can leave any time she wants to move back - which I guess realistically is not on the cards!


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I’m wondering whether it’s worth appealing
Don't think so.
Your mum never occupied the bungalow, she only rented it out making it an investment.
As said either sell or rent out, to help you decide look at cost of live in care and think very carefully about family care.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2018
Thank you for your responses. Much the same as I thought. best Wishes