Kilimanjaro Trek 2014.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2012
Hi All,

Im determind to complete a Kilimanjaro trek and the thought of raising money for the Alzheimers Society in the process seemed a great way to do it. I have seen 2 family members suffer from the illness so this charity is one that i feel strongly about. I have currently logged my interest for the 2014 trek on the Alzheimers Society website and are awaiting the info pack. I have never completed a trek for charity before, so therefore asking for information anyone feels appropriate, eg, how you get chosen for the trek, what to expect (i have some treking experience but this would be my toughest challenge to date) any fundraising ideas used to help raise money etc etc......

Thankyou for any information you can provide,


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
Hi Nick and welcome to TP from a fellow Wiganer :).

I trekked the Sahara for AS some 4 years ago, and it was an amazing experience. Not one I'd do again :eek:, but still amazing.

The best advice I can give is to start early, both in your fundraising and in your training. A few ideas for fundraising:

- set up a donation page (just giving or equivalent) and send the link to everyone you know, and if possible include it in your signature on emails. I did this on my work email and had a lot of donations from some of the most unlikely people.

- sometimes the simplest ideas work, such as giving out tubes of Smarties and asking people to return them full of 20p's

- if you're doing an event such as a quiz night, combine it with a raffle, and approach local companies to donate prizes in return for a mention. I found that major chains were not so interested, but the Warriors donated a signed framed shirt.

- have a look at the Society's information on fundraising

I hope you take the plunge, and let us know how you're getting on :).


Registered User
Dec 8, 2012
Thanks sue, some great ideas!
I think im going to start fundraising as soon as pos, im good at mithering people so hopefully I can get some good companys on board haha. Im a life long warriors fan so i'll definatley get onto them. Cant wait to get started! Did u do your trek directly through AS? How do they decide who they take and when do they let you know if you have been chosen? Im new to all this and im the type of person who likes to know the in's & outs haha.
Thankyou, Nick.