Is any one taking part in the tandem sky dive?


Registered User
Mar 7, 2011
I know this is not the usual question we ask on here but ...

I was invited to take part in a tandem skydive to raise money for the Alzheimer's society

Apparently £750 will help run the forum for a week!

So I thought hey why not!
so here I am 49 slightly over weight suffering from all the usual guilt having recently had my dad go in to a nursing home
I have found the Forum to be a mine of useful information & the support from others to me amazing ( more helpful than counselling)

I have signed up & so far haven't lost my nerve. may feel differently on June the 4th.;) this is helping me focus on something other than my guilt & sadness & trying to do something positive:D

would be interested in hearing from any one else taking part
hints & tips for fundraising greatly needed. I have set up a just giving page but don't know if can advertise it on here

I look forward to hearing from any one taking the leap expecially if going from BRIGG
