Is a television a good idea?


Registered User
Mar 26, 2024
I've been caring for my 95 year old grandmother for several years due to her poor mobility. Late last year I was urged by doctors that she should remain bed bound. Around the same time what I had suspected for a while was confirmed to be true that she had vascular dementia.

I try and keep her company during the day but I have to do maintain the house and have some time to myself. She seems reasonably content to stay in bed but does say she gets a bit bored and does say she can't tell day from night being stuck the room. I was wondering if a television could keep her mind engaged and perhaps help her keep track of the day ie: she knows breakfast television is in the morning, game shows in the afternoon, soaps in the evening etc. The only drawback is it might upset her if there is a violent scene or something. Has anyone had any experience with this? Money is tight right now and I'd rather not get a television unless I knew it could help.

Jake's Nan

Registered User
Aug 12, 2021
My brother would only watch bbc 2 and had trouble using remote control. The endless news reports were upsetting him especially any talk of war. I have seen mentioned on here a dementia tv channel that you subscribe to lots jolly films etc. I have seen excellent TV in charity/re use places some only £25 maybe try there.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Angel03 my mum is in a care home and has a radio in her room rather than a TV, so perhaps your grandmother would like to listen to music? You could tune it to an appropriate radio station for the type of music she likes, and the programmes and presenters tend to change throughout the day so would provide a type of structure to the day, without the risk of your grandmother seeing something that may upset her. Might be worth a try, and would be cheaper than a TV.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2020
Talking Pictures TV (channel 82 freeview) shows mainly old films and programmes from 40s / 50s/ 60s, with a bit of 70s and 80s. Most seems pretty harmless.


Registered User
Apr 2, 2024
I think it could be a good idea. You can use parental controls to keep out any channels or shows that might upset her