ID for Banking


New member
Mar 15, 2024
HI All, Hope you and yours are keeping safe and well.
Hoping someone can give me some insight setting up bank / savings accounts or point me in the right direction for information,
My Mum has dementia and has recently gone into care home.
I have PoA and am wanting to set up some more appropriate savings for her money BUT I can seem to open an account anywhere because they want Identity Documents that we dont have.
They all ask for a List A and List B document BUT list A is eiher a Driving licene (which she has not had for twenty years) a passport (which she has not had for twenty years) or a National identify Card (which is not applicable) or and Identify card (which is not applicable).
Is this something others face? How do I approach it?


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Hi @Mugelbbub
I'm sure someone will be along with better advice, just to say I had a similar problem 20 years ago trying to open a bank account. I didn't have a passport (still don't) - after trying a few banks (those were the days when you could easily speak to someone in a branch), one finally accepted my old style driving licence as proof of identity.
My advice is to try to find somebody in a branch to speak to and (with fingers crossed) explain your Mum isn't an international jewel thief. An empathetic bank employee might see sense.

I did think of getting a photo driving licence a while back, but if I remember rightly, I would have needed a passport as proof of identity. Fine - but I don't know anyone who will confirm my identity for a passport - nobody with the correct job title that is.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Mugelbbub

I can only suggest you contact the support line. They may have a solution.



Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I have encountered this on many occasions…and actually gave up I’m afraid.

There will be a solution but you will need a willing person on the other end. I have had some success by complaining straight away to the CEO and citing disability discrimination……mum had to give up her driving license and being immobile would be unable to travel


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
HI All, Hope you and yours are keeping safe and well.
Hoping someone can give me some insight setting up bank / savings accounts or point me in the right direction for information,
My Mum has dementia and has recently gone into care home.
I have PoA and am wanting to set up some more appropriate savings for her money BUT I can seem to open an account anywhere because they want Identity Documents that we dont have.
They all ask for a List A and List B document BUT list A is eiher a Driving licene (which she has not had for twenty years) a passport (which she has not had for twenty years) or a National identify Card (which is not applicable) or and Identify card (which is not applicable).
Is this something others face? How do I approach it?
Hi @Mugelbbub ,I opened an ISA this week for OH. His ID was a DWP letter with pension update info and his new tax code letter from HMRC . They also accept the code from OPG for the LPA .

I used driving licence and DWP letter.
Neither of us had current passports and OH hasn't had a driving licence for four years.
Hope this helps


Registered User
Jun 6, 2020
When we dealt with this for MIL - we used the DWP letter, but that was sent to our address as COP Deputies, and a letter from the Nursing Home on letterheaded paper to confirm that she was a resident there and the date she entered it.
Good luck with all this - it is almost like they want to make it harder than it needs to be even when you have authority - 'computer says no' has a lot to answer for.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
I had this with my mum and batted the question back to the banks, asking directly what they would accept. In the end they agreed that a letter from the DWP and a letter from the home she was in would qualify as proof of ID and proof of address. Ask to speak to whoever deals with LPAs and has relevant experience .


Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
When talking to Banks, often the best department to speak with is the Beavement dept, they often deal with PoA cases. Counter staff are not trained in this area.



Registered User
Jan 5, 2014

If you are in the UK the above link gives suitable docs, scroll down to proof of identity checklist for individuals. I used a DWP letter for mum.

Under money laundering rules the fines are pretty high for getting this wrong, minimum of £10,000 for each individual so the banks tend to be over cautious.

MLR rules require both the account holder and the POA are identified.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2024
Sorting out your ID for banking can sometimes feel like navigating a maze, but it's crucial to have everything in order. The key step here is to get your document legalised. This essentially means getting an official stamp or seal to verify its authenticity. Once you've got that sorted, you'll have a solid ID that banks will happily accept. It's a bit of a process, but it's worth it for the peace of mind knowing your banking is all above board. If you're not sure where to start, reaching out to your local government office or a legal professional can point you in the right direction.