Hi everyone, My granny got diagnosed with dementia in 2012


New member
Sep 13, 2023
My granny has always supported me for as long as I can remember. Words cannot express how incredible she is; she always has the largest heart. Although I am incredibly grateful to still have her in my life, it is heartbreaking to walk into the nursing home and not be recognised. Her dementia was identified quite early and has advanced very slowly. Since I'm only 19, I have a fantastic set of friends who offer support but aren't able to understand the agony of losing a loved one mentally while still being physically here.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Beasweetpea.

I’m sorry to hear about your granny. It really is heartbreaking. It’s good that you have a good set of friends who support you but I can see that they might not understand what you’re going through. I’m glad you’ve found this forum. Please come here to ask questions, share how you feel - or even just to have a moan if you want to.

Wishing you strength.