Fund raising!


Registered User
Jul 2, 2006
Newport, Gwent

Hello TP Friends

I am sure for those that know me you will be totally amazed to see that 'she who is exercise phobic' has signed up for this!

I’m doing it in memory of Aunty Joan, who fought a long and very brave battle against Cancer. Her main concern was never for herself, but for her family. Throughout it all she still remained cheerful and dignified, when asked how she was, with a big smile she would always reply, ‘I’m OK, how are you’. She will always be missed.

Most of you will know that my lovely mum was taken from me with Alzheimer's 9 months ago, so I'm doing this in her memory too.

What ever I raise for Cancer Research through Race for Life, I will match with a donation to Alzheimer’s research. I am sure mum would giggle that I am doing this, and I hope a little proud that for 1 day only I have swapped the aisles of M & S for a field!

So with the cobwebs dusted off my trainers on the 7 June, Tredegar House Newport at 11:00 I will be there, I hasten to add, this wont be so much of a ‘race’ more a gentle walk! I am told the park doesn’t shut until 7:00pm,!!!:rolleyes:

So friends, please give what you can.

Please take a moment to sponsor me. It's really easy - you can donate online by credit or debit card at the following address:

Thank you.
Cate xxxx

Tender Face

Account Closed
Mar 14, 2006
NW England
Wow!!! Impressed!!!!!!

Cate, you know perhaps better than many others, how cancer beat my mum's dementia in her own 'race for life' .....

I wonder now, had dementia not clouded her symptoms of cancer or ability to articulate them, I might still have her here today ... and I will shout long and loud that people with dementia are not 'written off' as some docs clearly saw fit to do with mum that *just* because someone has dementia it is seen as a terminal illness in itself and therefore not worthy of prolonging life with quality and compassion ...... nor even bothering to investigate and ensure appropriate palliative care unless their carers shout long enough and loud enough to secure any diagnosis beyond 'dementia' .......

So I am all for 'dual fund-raising' ..... I am all for any fundraising ...... any cause is worthy ..... but if you're prepared to risk sleeping on a park bench coz the park is shut before you've taken the shine of your designer trainers ..... :cool: and further 'stump up your own dosh' purely for Alz ....... well, I'm impressed ......

Perhaps your Aunty Joan and your mum and mine are having a great chinwag about putting the world to rights now on cancer care and dementia care and combining the two? :) At the very least, they will be proud of you are doing something about it .... and you just got ten squids towards the plasters you'll need for the blisters!!!!!! :p

That was really motivational, wasn't it?????:eek::rolleyes:

Go, girl, go ...M&S will manage without you for one weekend ......;)

Well done you - hope you raise loads for two great causes ..... and hope it reminds people the two are not always necessarily distinct .......

Love, Kaz, x


Registered User
Apr 10, 2006
Hi Cate

Just wanted to wish you all the best for the big day, my donation is winging its way there, i'll also slip the park warden a tenner to keep the gates open an extra hour or two.....just incase ;)

Love Alex x


Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
Good Luck

Hi Cate,

Well done you and I'll definitely donate. The most exercise I can stump up is I'll be doing the Alzeimer's "memory walk" in September. "Walk" sounds so much better than "race" to my ears ;):)

Good luck :)

Vonny xx


Registered User
Jul 2, 2006
Newport, Gwent
Hi Sylvia

I apologise if my post was not very clear.

My intention is to raise funds for Cancer Research by taking part in the Race for Life which is an annual event organised by Cancer Research, events taking place across the country.

The ‘Race’ is for women only and it involves, running, jogging, walking, or more probably in my case crawling for 5 km. Through the Charity friends and family sponsor those taking part by making donations directly to the Charity via an ‘official’ web site set up by those taking part. This web site calculates the amount each individual has raised. After the Race on the 7 June, which is when my event takes place, I will have a final total of the amount I personally have raised.

What ever I raise for Cancer Research via my sponsors, I will write a personal cheque for the equivalent amount to the Alzheimer’s Society as a donation from me personally in memory of my mum, and post it off to the AD Society.

I posted in Tea Room in the hope of gaining wider awareness of what I am doing, and with luck gaining more sponsors, so if you could see your way to putting me back there, I could raise more money for both charities.

Best wishes
Last edited:


Registered User
Jul 2, 2006
Newport, Gwent
Dear Kaz, Alex and Vonny

Thank you so much for having faith in me. I was worrying that I wouldnt get any sponsors:eek:

i'll also slip the park warden a tenner to keep the gates open an extra hour or two.....just incase

Alex, You have no idea how near to the truth you are, I may just be limping around all night:rolleyes:

Perhaps your Aunty Joan and your mum and mine are having a great chinwag about putting the world to rights now on cancer care and dementia care and combining the two?

Kaz if nothing else it will give them a laugh, Im hoping for a bit of 'divine intervention' to get me around.

The most exercise I can stump up is I'll be doing the Alzeimer's "memory walk" in September.

Vonny I dont 'do' exercise at all, and trust me, there will be no 'racing' involved for me.

Thank you all so much for supporting me.
Cate xxxx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Dear Cate

Thank you for the clarification. Whatever you raise will be fine tributes to your mother and your Aunty Joan.
It has been agreed this section is the most appropriate section for your post as you are `Raising awareness and campaigning. `
Good luck.


Account Closed
Jul 16, 2008
Hop this way!!

If wow is the right word, then WOW!!:)

I've sponsored you too, Cate. Your two causes are close to my heart too, so you hop along and we'll think of you.

And don't worry about the park warden - you can always vault over the gate, or crawl under it.

Go disgracefully!



Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
Hi Cate,

I've done the Race for Life a few times (one year I did it twice :cool:, stepping in for a friend who couldn't do it due to a family bereavement).

Don't worry about the 'racing' bit. There will be some people there who want to win, but the vast majority of people are there to have fun, raise money and celebrate the lives of their loved ones. The atmosphere is really special. I usually try to run most of the way, but at Wigan the first half is all downhill, and the second half all uphill, and I mean UPHILL. :eek:

My mum did it one year ... and was last :eek:. She walked the whole 5k and stopped to chat to all the spectators she knew (and a few she didn't).

Donation winging its way to you. :)

Tender Face

Account Closed
Mar 14, 2006
NW England
You know the more I have thought about this, the more I think it's a brilliant idea!!!! How often is it mentioned that Cancer Research attracts far more donations than for dementia research? So to 'piggy-back' on an event for one charity that gets national attention .... not suggesting we start 'hijacking' other charities :eek:, but it's such a clever idea for someone to do on a personal level ......

Which drew me back to this section and noticed we have other fundraising threads around the awareness section - with some other great ideas .... wasn't there a separate section once for Fundraisers? Trekkers' Room or something? I'd love to see that again - so that those looking for ideas or inspiration could access the threads easily without trekking (pardon the pun) through other campaigning issues which are often more media related, or for people looking to donate to find related sponsorship pages? Just an idea, I know in the past I would have dearly loved to have sponsored an event a member was doing but have been too 'cash strapped' at the time .....but it was nice just to be able to visit, see what people were doing and offer words of encouragement if nothing else?

If I've missed it I'm sure someone will correct me ...... :)

Love, Karen, x

(PS: Cate - 'piggy-back' was not intended as an idea for you!!!!:rolleyes:)

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