Failings mounting in Care of a Relative.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2023
I am trying to get help for My Mother and I am jumping through all the hurdles too. This time I have had to deal with OPG organisation. Eventually they sent a letter requesting a Mental Capacity Test, So that I can begin to correct several errors forced upon my relative by an irresponsible and reckless LPA. I forwarded it to the KCC department. It seems it is too much for them as Head Of Social Services to respond anymore. It has now been six weeks of ignorance from the organisation who threatened to take a Property that did not belong to them. A catalogue of errors is seemingly the norm now. I have now had to complain. Will it make a difference? I hope so though feel that it is not worthy of their precious time to respond to people as Human Beings. It would seem it is just business as usual with them. This is how its done, complaints and errors and errors and complaints. It sure has a way of making you feel stressed and worthless. Then suspicion is the guide of the rational despite forming meaningful relationships that have lasted a literal lifetime with the person concerned. They also seemingly filtered out the destruction reaped upon the person who should have received Care instead biasing their opinions towards those who can manipulate the Law to their own distorted and twisted perceptions. Strangely or sadly as it seems they are not there when we need a witness to the mishandings and blatent misinformation, instead relying on Bailiffs and threats against the individuals who ensured there was at least food and water and shelter in a very real sense. There are many ways this situation is quite awful, though for many its just another day in the Office or they are impervious to failings as Utopia washes away all sins.


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Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Step45

Please contact the support line for help and advice



Registered User
Feb 1, 2023
I have tried to sort this problem today and I am waiting for a response from the Council I will keep you informed of my progress.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2023
Family Member, a daughter who lived 150 plus miles away in Kent. Who took it by herself without consultation of other siblings. I believe ar first it was due to gender similarities though turned out to be a nightmare due to poor management. Unfortunately a similar gender preference bias by the system has ensured her errors are recurring.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Im afraid I dont really understand whats going on, what gender has to do with it, or what the KCC department is, but what I do know is that it can be difficult to get someone to do a capacity test. If you are having difficulties finding someone to do it, then may I suggest an independent Social Worker. You can find one by googling that term plus your location. You would have to pay, of course, but it is straightforward.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2023
I believe that the OPG have arranged one through Kent Council thats what the abbreviation was. The gender is merely an observation. It was important because she aimed to atleast in theory improve my Moms property though fell short of any reasonable standard. She then has since relied on 95 percent women who simply negate the effects of poor property maintanence in favour of a simplistic division of types instead of quality of action. That aside the issue of Mental Capacity relates to the OPG being able to investigate the LPA. They have stated that the Donor has to have limited Mental Capacity for them to be able to investigate. She clearly has and therefore would fail. Important here is the fact you stated it is sometimes difficult.
This would in comparison, be no different to an Exam I. E Non attendence equals failure. They can then investigate as a matter of course. Sadly my Sibling has managed to Weaponise the LPA growing increasingly facetious and wreckless. Several errors have been compounded by the Services involved and now despite involving OPG they are simply ignoring communications and continuing a class system prioritising the LPA despite the destruction of the Donors property. Family members being discriminated against and a Gaslighting regime becoming the mechanism of a Hostile takeover. The services involved seem to have a favouritism than an acceptable professional standard with reliable objectivity. Unfortunately my Sibling moved away many years ago to London and has formed a narcissistic personality which has taken the Power word of LPA and used it for a ruthless and careless strategy. Thank you for your advice I await a response from the Council. If necessary I will pursue your advice. The Council have yet to issue an apology for the previous error of treating Donor as if she owned a property that she did not, then imposing terms on the occupiers that were never based in fact. Skipping the Respite, stage whilst they fruitlessly investigated. This was always their responsibility though in the end was resolved by my own research and intervention.