Cost of carers breaks


New member
Aug 9, 2023
My relative has been self funding livin care for a while savings all gone now . Lives in her own home and won’t leave .
SS will now help but that barely covers the cheapest livin care I can find .
however they need daily breaks which prior to her savings running out we
paid but now this is not doable and family can’t commit to financial help .
has anyone any advice on sourcing affordable carers or voluntary carers .
she has no family or relatives or friends close . Just myself her Neice and I’m not local to her

try again

Registered User
Jun 21, 2018
It's social services responsibility to provide care for your relative. let them sort it out with you keeping an eye on it. Your realtive may not want to leave her home there comes a time when they may need to and the house be sold. do you have power of attorney?