Care home confusion


New member
Dec 20, 2023
We have recently made the difficult decision that my dad needs to go into a care home. The social worker has provided my mum with the names of three care homes. Two say no family top up required. Mum has taken this to mean they won't have to pay anything. She is very worried about money. They live in rented accomodation. Have around 10k in savings (for their funerals). Dad has a good private pension and they both get basic state pension. Am I right in thinking Dad will have to pay half his pension towards his care but mum can have the remainder? Mum thinks they won't have to pay anything at all. If she is only left with half his pension this won't cover her rent and bills. Can anyone advise as it is very confusing. We are in Wales. TIA


Registered User
Oct 12, 2023
Hi @millie72,
I'm in England but I expect its the same. The LA will take your Dad's state pension and half of his private pension.They are not allowed to take any of your mother's money so the £1000 will be divided in 2 and your Dad will be assessed as having £5000. They do not take any of the lump sum but there is some assessment and a very small amount is counted. I don't even notice this amount so I thinks its just a £2 or so. There is a small amount of your Dad's state pension that is left also for things like toiletries etc.
I had to make them agree to me keeping half my husband's private pension so you might have to claim it. Age UK website has printouts on what you can keep.
I hope this helps and sadly my advice is do not think the social workers and LA especially the finanacial people are on your side, they are not you need to know your Mum's entitlements.
She will also be allowed a reduction in Council Tax.
Good luck


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
The Alzheimer's Society have a site that covers the rules and yes they are different to England.
I''m hopeless at posting links so put "Alzheimer's Society Wales" then care home fees or similar.
In Wales £50,000 of capital limit England only £32k.
Check it out.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
If your mum wont have enough to live on she would probably be eligible for pension credit and perhaps other things too.
Age UK are usually very good at knowing about these sort of things

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