Benefit Gigs north west


Registered User
Dec 3, 2007
south cheshire
Well having lost my nan last weekend to the dreaded disease but also pulmonary thrombosis, i have made the decision to try to organise a couple of benefit gigs in memory of her and also to raise as much money and awareness as possible to the charity, i play guitar for a country music duo/tri and have thought about doing gigs before but the loss of a loved one has pushed me to do this soon in the north west area (cheshire)

our fee for the band has been waivered naturally and the venues i have spoken to have kindly let us have it for free, good news, if any of you have suggestions for me to help with the events most greatfull.

Local press release, newspaper and radio
maybe a small buffet laid on would this be a good idea?
tickets? small venues could be a problem so suggest a donation in the bucket?

full details shall be posted here so if anyone from the area wants to attend they are most welcome.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
Hi Pete,

Very sorry to hear about the loss of your nan.

A really good idea and one which I hope does well. Local press and radio is an excellent way of advertising it and if you could get some fliers done on the cheap you could ask shops to advertise the gigs.

Not sure about having a buffet, it would mean a lot of extra organisation. I do like the idea of a charity bucket. May be better to stick it under people's noses on the way out if you are ending on an upbeat number...people give more when they are happy :)

Good luck with it

Vonny xx
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Registered User
Dec 3, 2007
south cheshire
gig anouncement

I have booked 1 venue, Shavington near crewe cheshire

31st July the Vine pub -shavington ,approximate start time 8-8:30

Free entry- a donation to the society welcome

i shall be booking another venue for August in due course.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
Hi Pete,

I'm sorry to hear about your nan, but what a lovely idea to celebrate her life in this way.

I've done a couple of quiz nights when raising money for AS, and I agree with Vonny that a buffet can be a lot of hard work.

At one quiz we did sandwiches and crisps (still quite a lot of hard work!) and at the other we ordered pasties to be delivered on the night from a local bakers. Meat and potato for the meat eaters and cheese and onion for the veggies. Few tins of red cabbage and beetroot, red and brown sauce.

For the raffle I approached local businesses and supermarkets to donate vouchers and prizes - hairdressers, local restaurants and so on. Or football clubs to donate a signed ball, programme, or even a shirt.

There is some good info on the main AS site about fundraising ideas.

Good luck with it. :)


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
Hi Pete,

I am so sorry to read about your Nan.

As my husband and I before A.D. use to go to C & W every 2nd week/ Have you thought of advertising in Southern Country?

Wishing you all the best


Registered User
Jun 13, 2008
Hi Pete
If I am up in Cheshire that weekend staying with my husband we will make every effort to attend. You are in the next village to him.

Love Julie xx

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