Bad dreams, confusing real life with TV


New member
Jul 5, 2023
HI My Mum is in a care home, been there for 2 years now & has dementia which is slowly geting worse. I went to visit yesterday & when I got ther for the 2nd time I found her in floods of tears. She thought I was in a bad car accident on the way home from visiting her 2 days ago. She even told my brother who visited the day before. It turned out she had seen a film on the TV the same I visited & got me & the film muddled up. She was the 1 who first realsied how she was getting confused & when we realiised we tried to calm her. But all she kept saying was why am I going mad .
I do not know how to console her, does anyone else know if Dementia does this?


Registered User
Dec 16, 2020
One of my relatives announced in front of a hospital ward that I had a boat and was smuggling drugs.
Turns out they’d been watching Death in Paradise.


New member
Jul 5, 2023
One of my relatives announced in front of a hospital ward that I had a boat and was smuggling drugs.
Turns out they’d been watching Death in Paradise.
Thank you, at least I know Mum is not the only 1. Hope you didnt get done fro suggling :oops:


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
In a word "yes" confusing TV, time and who you are seem to be quite/very common.
I've been my wife's brother, neighbour, total stranger and the man off the telly (not prepared to reveal who) it does happen, it's hard but it it is what it is. K


New member
May 22, 2024
HI My Mum is in a care home, been there for 2 years now & has dementia which is slowly geting worse. I went to visit yesterday & when I got ther for the 2nd time I found her in floods of tears. She thought I was in a bad car accident on the way home from visiting her 2 days ago. She even told my brother who visited the day before. It turned out she had seen a film on the TV the same I visited & got me & the film muddled up. She was the 1 who first realsied how she was getting confused & when we realiised we tried to calm her. But all she kept saying was why am I going mad .
I do not know how to console her, does anyone else know if Dementia does this?
Yes, (my Mum has just been diagnosed with mixed dementia), I came in the other day and she was really cross at me. I’ve been waiting here for an hour and a half to see if I’ve won or not! Nobody has told me anything!! She said. I’d literally gone to make a cup of tea. She’d been watching bake off and obviously thought she was baking. I told her she’d won £10. She was thrilled to bits. On another note has anyone’s loved one been put on donepezil. Is it worth taking? Or are the side effects too severe as that’s the bit that terrifies me 😳


Registered User
May 17, 2024
HI My Mum is in a care home, been there for 2 years now & has dementia which is slowly geting worse. I went to visit yesterday & when I got ther for the 2nd time I found her in floods of tears. She thought I was in a bad car accident on the way home from visiting her 2 days ago. She even told my brother who visited the day before. It turned out she had seen a film on the TV the same I visited & got me & the film muddled up. She was the 1 who first realsied how she was getting confused & when we realiised we tried to calm her. But all she kept saying was why am I going mad .
I do not know how to console her, does anyone else know if Dementia does this?


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Same here. My Granny’s favourite programme was Midsomer Murders. She was eventually convinced that all of her family - in the UK and Australia - had been murdered. Eventually we couldn’t even ring her up, as she was convinced that anyone who looked or sounded like a family member, was a conman in disguise trying to trick her.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
Confusing dreams, memories, conversations, TV all quite common even in earlier stages of dementia. My husbands comprehension is going, he misunderstands what is said in within his hearing range, joins in other people's conversations, responds to the TV, tells me back things I told him, and then he'll mix it all up and add things he's imagined. Very hard when he's accusing me of doing or saying something he saw on the news! I try to gently explain he must have been dozing and dreaming. We all dream odd stuff if we fall asleep over a book or watching TV!

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
Yes, (my Mum has just been diagnosed with mixed dementia), I came in the other day and she was really cross at me. I’ve been waiting here for an hour and a half to see if I’ve won or not! Nobody has told me anything!! She said. I’d literally gone to make a cup of tea. She’d been watching bake off and obviously thought she was baking. I told her she’d won £10. She was thrilled to bits. On another note has anyone’s loved one been put on donepezil. Is it worth taking? Or are the side effects too severe as that’s the bit that terrifies me 😳

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
mine is taking the maximum dosage of Donepezil. He has no adverse reaction to it. It may have slowed down the progression of his Alzheimer, who knows. But his decline has been slow and steady


New member
May 22, 2024
mine is taking the maximum dosage of Donepezil. He has no adverse reaction to it. It may have slowed down the progression of his Alzheimer, who knows. But his decline has been slow and steady
Thank you so much. Was there any side effects when he first took them? Mum doesn’t eat very much if at all some days so I really can’t have her losing weight. So do you think it’s worth giving them a go?


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Yes, (my Mum has just been diagnosed with mixed dementia), I came in the other day and she was really cross at me. I’ve been waiting here for an hour and a half to see if I’ve won or not! Nobody has told me anything!! She said. I’d literally gone to make a cup of tea. She’d been watching bake off and obviously thought she was baking. I told her she’d won £10. She was thrilled to bits. On another note has anyone’s loved one been put on donepezil. Is it worth taking? Or are the side effects too severe as that’s the bit that terrifies me 😳
My OH is on donepazil, since mid 2018. Initially had bad dreams headaches and runny nose. Still has runny nose (antihistamines help with that), dreams are under control and have been for a long long time. Headaches now very rare and probably nothing to do with donepezil. Initially it improved his speech massively , memory a bit and cognitive function. His speech is still better than it was before he started. I would give it a shot and see how it goes.


New member
May 22, 2024
My OH is on donepazil, since mid 2018. Initially had bad dreams headaches and runny nose. Still has runny nose (antihistamines help with that), dreams are under control and have been for a long long time. Headaches now very rare and probably nothing to do with donepezil. Initially it improved his speech massively , memory a bit and cognitive function. His speech is still better than it was before he started. I would give it a shot and see how it goes.
Thank you so much ☺️

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
Yes, (my Mum has just been diagnosed with mixed dementia), I came in the other day and she was really cross at me. I’ve been waiting here for an hour and a half to see if I’ve won or not! Nobody has told me anything!! She said. I’d literally gone to make a cup of tea. She’d been watching bake off and obviously thought she was baking. I told her she’d won £10. She was thrilled to bits. On another note has anyone’s loved one been put on donepezil. Is it worth taking? Or are the side effects too severe as that’s the bit that terrifies me 😳

Thank you so much. Was there any side effects when he first took them? Mum doesn’t eat very much if at all some days so I really can’t have her losing weight. So do you think it’s worth giving them a go?
deat, if the doc prescribes it, then do for mum to take it. You can always stop it immedieately if you notice adverse effects on her, right?Best ask he rGP really


Registered User
Feb 8, 2021
My mum is like this. She used to like the tv on "for company' (even if did not understand it), but now she gets stressed as "they are looking at her" and gets very upset.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
When I phoned him one morning The Banjoman told me that the whole BakeOff team were with him. When I suggested that he was watching TV he insisted everyone was there but he did wonder how they got the big lorry into his flat!

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