Attendance Allowance higher rate when self-funded in a care home


Registered User
Aug 13, 2020

Mum receives lower rate AA and I know that continues in a care home as a self-funder.

Mum arrived at the home not needing night care. However all dementia residents receive multiple nightly checks. I can ask but I assume the care notes for Mum in the night are generally uneventful. Thankfully.

However given that she receives multiple nightly checks, is it worth applying for AA higher rate? Or should I wait until I know she is needing regular nightime interventions?


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
According to the government's website a medical professional normally needs to say you have less than 12 months to live to get the higher rate. K


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
New one on me.
Could you please post a link?
Is this the one? I think the relevant word in the eligibilty is 'or' if you have less than 12 months to live.



Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
I am sure the higher rate applies as soon as you require day and night time supervision which is 24/hr care in a care home. Apply anyway as its up to them to investigate if someone is not eligible.

Lower rate - if you often need help or supervision throughout the day only, or during the night only or someone with you when you are on dialysis£68.10
Higher rate - if you often need help or supervision throughout the day and during the night£101.75


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
Our PWD had the lower rate of AA whilst he was at home, which we applied for on his behalf about two years ago. He then had a stroke and was in hospital for a while, longer than the 28 day rule, so we rang the AA and they stopped it. Once he was in a care home as a self funder after the D2A process, I rang them again and applied for the higher rate as he now needs 24 care. This came through quickly and was backdated to the time I appled, so @Mumlikesflowers I would phone them asap. I have found the AA helpline very helpful, and they answer quite quickly too


Registered User
Aug 21, 2022
Can I ask what people spend attendance allowance on when their lo is in a care home? Most things my mum needs can come out of her pension


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
My mum had higher rate AA whilst she lived in her own home with 24 hr care and this continued when she went into residential care as a self funder. Overnight care means that someone has to be avaliable to ensure the claimant is safe and secure. So for example , ensures the house is secure, nothing left on, remains awake util the claimant goes to bed in order to provide these checks, is avalaible if the claimant needs them. In the case of residential care all residents are getting overnight care if they get up and someone assists them, may be for the loo or to evacuate in case of an emergency. They are checking on the residents for good reason so therefore the higher rate AA should be available to them.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
It’s spent on care home fees @jackdog35, as a self-funder our PWD needs every pound we can source for him. It’s a lovely home and he enjoys it. On our visit today he was telling us all about a singer who came in yesterday to entertain them. He needs 24 hour care, as he does wander at night, and needs support with that and toileting.


Registered User
Aug 21, 2022
It’s spent on care home fees @jackdog35, as a self-funder our PWD needs every pound we can source for him. It’s a lovely home and he enjoys it. On our visit today he was telling us all about a singer who came in yesterday to entertain them. He needs 24 hour care, as he does wander at night, and needs support with that and toileting.
I don’t understand why it would be spent on fees when the council fund when capital drops


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
When the council start funding the Care you are not normally eligible for Attendance Allowance.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
@ jackdog35 If the council are funding the care home then Attendance Allowance is stopped. Mum is currently self-funded so her attendance allowance goes into her bank account and goes towards her care home fees.


Registered User
Aug 21, 2022
My mum is self funding at the moment but council are paying home direct and invoice her. There’s been no mention of attendance allowance paying for care. The financial assessor didn’t mention it


Registered User
Aug 13, 2020
Thanks, I just got the letter today to say it's going to cost even more from 1st April - no surprises there. I spoke to the AA helpline earlier in the week to finally give the change of address. I think we covered the issue and he mentioned the form I needed if I was going to go for the higher rate but somehow we didn't get to him sending it to me. I guess I should ring them again, yes.