Artistic calendar in aid of Alzheimer's Society

Alzheimer’s crosses all boundaries, Social, Cultural and Professional.
Watching someone you love be taken to a place where you can no longer reach them is one of the most devastating things to have to witness. Sons, Daughters, Husbands, Wives and wider family and friends are faced with this when a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or a form of Dementia.
Having been witness to this myself, my passion and drive to help Alzheimer’s Society raise more money to help people in these situations and continue to provide the services and support that they do, has become vitally important to me.
People from all walks of life have come together for this special calendar, uniting to show how Alzheimer’s and Dementia crosses all boundaries, Social, Cultural and Professional. Well known faces have joined forces with people from different professions, cultures and social backgrounds to demonstrate this in the form of photography and art. Each and every person in this calendar have witnessed the devastating effects of this dreadful disease, but, all have the passion to unite to help not only the people currently affected by it but also to help educate future generations.
The calendar features, Lynda Bellingham, Lisa Riley, Lesley Nicol, Bobby Ball, Susan Lewis, Christine Hamilton, Olly Smith, Camilla Dallerup, Christopher Timothy, Kim Ismay, Judy Holt and Tony Hirst Buy yours at All money raised from calendar sales goes to Alzheimer's Society
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Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
Calendar info.

I would like to see and then order the calender.Where would I go ?