Alzheimers leading to depression.


New member
Jun 1, 2024
Hi, I am new to this Forum but have felt like I need some help. My mum is elderly now, 85. but until she was 80ish she was a dynamic woman, a female architect in the 60's, a career woman, and a carer of everyone else. She loved drama and gave up all of her spare time to either put on plays or work with children through drama to encourage them and give them confidence. she always knew what to do and her family (4 younger siblings) and my father and I have always relied on her instinct and knowledge. But now she needs the care and I wish she were angry BUT today when I saw her she was crying, because she was asking for help (something that is not easy for her). And my father, despite loving her and caring for her is getting grumpier due to his infirmities himself. I have not interfered or even tried to accompany either of them to the doctors as I am used to them being so independent. But now I wonder if I should? I work in a school, so could I possibly fit it in? Will it make any difference? My mother is now under 7 stone, she also has osteoporosis, so her frame is getting smaller, she has shrunk about 4 inches at least. Any ideas would be gratefully received. They don't have a carer and they have a large garden that my mother can no longer keep under control.

Violet Jane

Registered User
Aug 23, 2021
I think that you might need to get more involved as your parents appear to be struggling. A gardener and perhaps a cleaner could be a good way of getting your parents used to outside help.


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland