A gaming blog with a twist


Registered User
Hello people!

I'm new to this forum so I don't really know how appropriate this whole thing is, but I'm trying to raise money for the AS so I thought I'd at least give it a shot.

Just about a year ago, my dad died from Alzheimers, so once the grief subsided a bit and I finished making a move to Japan, I created a blog called Identity Gaming. A lot of game bloggers that I see on the internet produce content to try and make money for themselves, so I thought I'd try and do that, but give any money to the Alzheimers Society instead.

The blog itself is strictly gaming (although there are posts about my time in Japan too), I'm trying to to be somewhat entertaining/informative but I make sure that the links to my JustGiving are proudly displayed on the right hand side at all times.

I was hoping to link the blog itself, but the forum wont allow me unless I've made at least 10 posts, but I've added it to my profile if anyone cares to look. (hit the homepage button)

There is a justgiving link on there too if anyone just wants to ignore the content and spare a pound or two anyway =D

I know I'm not doing much but I wanted to try something at the very least, thanks for reading and thanks in advance if anyone can provide some support!